There have to be hundreds of weight loss plans on the market and every second person you meet has their own theory on the best way to lose weight. But the best way to lose weight could be by having no weight loss plan at all. This means you do not set out to lose weight but you just let it take place by changing to a healthy way of life. You set out to become a healthy person by by doing the things that have to be done to follow a healthy lifestyle. You stop eating bad food and begin eating good food. Instead of sitting around you spend more time standing, walking, running and moving around.
If you become a healthy person, you will lose weight. And you will do it without the stress and pressure of trying to keep up the latest fad diet, which is fraught with danger. The danger is you will not be able to keep it up and you will be disappointed in yourself. You will then feel guilty and feel like a failure, which could make you think you will never lose weight. You then give up and try to resign yourself to the fact you will always be overweight and there is nothing you can do about it.
You cannot allow this to happen, as you will miss out on a lot of enjoyment in life by not being able to do the things you want to do - the things most people can do. You will miss out because you will be too handicapped by poor health and overweight. Long term overweight brings chronic illness, which has to be treated by drugs with all their side effects.
If you do not change to a healthy lifestyle and lose weight, here are some of the prospects you can look forward to:
*Low self-esteem - you feel a failure because you cannot live up to the modern body image
*Disability - You are limited because of your bad back, arthritis or swollen legs
*Lethargy - it is hard to get around because of your weight and the side effects from the drugs you are forced to take
*Depression - in extreme cases, where life seems too difficult and it is not worth trying any more.
When you decide to become a healthy person you will change. By making the decision to live a healthy life for the rest of your life you have changed your attitude. You have become a positive person and replaced frustration with hope. When you take action by changing your bad habits to good habits you will feel even better. You will feel better because of the energy you have from the good food you are eating and the exercise you are doing. This will make you stronger and encourage you to keep going. You will be more encouraged when you start losing weight.
Your weight loss will be a by-product of your healthy lifestyle. It will be something that will happen naturally over time. You will not be committed to an unrealistic weight loss goal or timetable. You may not get down to the size of a super model, but this will not matter because your body will be healthier and stronger to deal with that.
If you want to lose weight, try the no weight loss plan. It is a cheap plan - you do not have to buy it and it does not require any special equipment. In fact, there is nothing stopping you from starting it right now.
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