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How To Lose Fat And Improve Health, Effectively

Today I'm going to talk about our health, especially extremely effective fat loss programs and healthy eating since our world is fatter than ever at this moment and there is an increase of suffering from health related diseases due to our diets and activity. But just because I say activity I don't necessarily mean the more the better, (although you have to spend some time being active) it all comes down to 'Quality over quantity'.

Cardio is an important part of fat loss, but so is weight training! Weight training is a form of exercise using weights such as dumbbells, kettle bells, bar-bells, machines (machines are great for beginners or people training with high weights without spotters, otherwise you should always have a spotter). Weight training is essential if you would like an after-burn effect, increase your metabolism, tone & condition, weight training also improves your cardiovascular health, allowing you to do cardio easier and more intense.

Remember this: Muscle = Metabolism

For every pound of muscle you have, your body burns approximately 50 calories daily by itself. This meaning, the more muscle you have, the more calories your body will be able to burn by itself; without training! Isn't this what you dream of? Your body burning calories during the day and whilst you sleep even when you aren't working out! Scientists have analyzed multiple studies and concluded that training with heavier weights for fewer reps produces a greater rise in resting metabolic rate that will last longer compared to training with lighter weights and doing more reps. So, go heavy, but not so heavy that it feels like you're in need of the toilet.

Diet is a VERY important factor in one's journey to fat loss. If you train and you train, but you still eat like a pig, you are definitely not going to see fat loss. For effective fat loss you need to clean up your diet. This meaning no saturated or trans fats, although all other fats [the good fats] are necessary in a diet. Decreased amounts of sodium, try going for as little as possible. No simple sugars, such as the sugars you buy from shops, more research could be done about simple and complex sugars. You shouldn't have simple carbohydrates either, such as cakes, biscuits, pastries, junk food in general, shop bought sugars and sugars from fruit (fructose), although fructose is healthy at normal amounts, just have a healthy varied diet. These simple sugars also cause tooth decay which is not a pretty look. Carbohydrates are good for you, too much is extra energy that may end up as fat on your body but, in simple terms, carbohydrates are like messengers, they are the ones who carry all the other nutrients such as protein (which is essential for muscle repair and beautiful skin, nails, teeth and hair). Have about a gram of complex carbohydrates per 2 pounds of body weight. Protein is also essential for building muscle and building muscle is also essential for fat loss, intake 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. Vitamins and minerals are also very important, you should have some sort of fruit or vegetable with every meal. With fruits and vegetables, quality is also very important, you should aim to buy fresh fruit & veggies, if not, frozen is second option and canned is the last option.

And don't forget to do your cardio and weight training. You should always enjoy life, also be in a relaxed state of mind, kudos!

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