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Keep it simple
Banish over-processed foods with mile-long ingredient lists from your pantry and fridge, and choose what’s whole, fresh, and natural instead.
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Munch around the clock
To rev your metabolism 24-7, eat a meal or snack every three hours or so. (Aim for 300 calories at breakfast, 400 to 450 at lunch, 450 to 500 at dinner, and then two 100- to 200-calorie snacks.)
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Eat carbs
Resistant Starch (found in carbs like beans, oatmeal, lentils, and multigrain bread) has been shown to boost metabolism and curb cravings. The goal: to eat four to six servings daily.
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Perfect your portions
Think of your plate as a pie chart, and divide it this way: 1/4 carbs high in Resistant Starch, 1/4 lean protein, and 1/2 veggies and/or fruit.
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Eat healthy fats
Monounsaturated fats (MUFAs)found in foods like olive oil and avocadohave been shown to fight belly flab and reduce inflammation. Aim for two to three servings per day.
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Fiber up
High-fiber foods (fruits, veggies, whole grains) fill you up fast, decrease overall calorie intake, and improve digestion. Have 25 to 35 grams per day.
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Grab some protein
Include a serving of lean protein (fish, eggs, and chicken are all great sources) at every meal to boost calorie-burning, keep you satisfied, and help build lean-muscle mass (so you’ll torch more calories without even trying).
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Write on!
Studies show that keeping a log of everything you eat can help you stay motivated, put you more in tune with your body’s needsand thus help you drop more pounds.
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Use the buddy system
Ask friends and family to support your efforts and help you stay on track.
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Stay hydrated
Your body can accidentally interpret thirst as hunger, so set it straight by chugging H2O throughout the day. Aim for about 8 cups daily, and make it interesting by sipping flavored seltzer or adding slices of fresh fruit.
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