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Plank Walk Tuck Reach
Stand with feet together and arms raised overhead. Hinge at hips and bring hands to floor, keeping legs as straight as possible. Walk out to a plank position (A). Jump feet toward hands, landing in a tucked position; jump back to plank (B). Walk hands toward feet and stand up. Repeat at hard intensity for 30 seconds.
This is 1 set. Rest for 30 to 60 seconds.
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X Switch Jumps
Stand with feet together (A). Jump and land in a diagonal lunge with right leg forward at 2 o’clock and left leg back at 8 o’clock, without letting right knee jut out past ankle (B). Jump again and land with left leg forward at 10 o’clock and right leg back at 4 o’clock (C). Repeat at breathless intensity for 30 seconds.
This is 1 set. Rest for 30 to 60 seconds.
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Bear Crawl Escape
Get in plank position with wrists in line with shoulders, then bend knees and bring them under hips with heels lifted (A). Keeping knees off ground, move quickly in this position from side to side and front to back (B). Repeat at breathless intensity for 30 seconds.
This is 1 set. Rest for 30 to 60 seconds.
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