When looking to lose weight to burn body fat using a proper workout program and bodybuilding diet, genetics plays a big role in determining exactly how much weight you can lose and how fast you can tone up.
However, I'm having a real problem lately seeing too many people blaming genetics for their lack of progress.
As soon as someone begins to mention that he / she can't seem to lose weight no matter how hard or long they workout immediately the lack of having "slim" genetics is to blame.
As soon as an individual notices that he / she isn't burning an ounce of fat even though they are following the strictest of workout nutrition / diet, who takes the blame?
Don't get me wrong, genetics is definitely a limiting factor in your overall, long-term weight loss program.
That's why you have some individuals naturally slimmer and / or more toned than others.
However, and this is a big however, being quick to blame a bad set of genes as the main reason why you are not experiencing the fat loss progress you feel you should can be turning you into your own worst enemy.
Someone that instantly blames genetics for a lack of results is doing a huge disservice to themselves.
"Is it that you have bad genetics, or is that your workout routine isn't that effective?"
"Is it that you have bad genetics, or that you aren't consistent enough with your workouts or you aren't sincerely training intensely as you are capable of when you step into the gym?"
"Is it that you have bad genetics, or that you simply are eating too many calories to allow your body to speed up its metabolism, and burn fat fast from your workouts?"
"Is it that you have bad genetics, or the fact that you are focusing too much on doing cardio / aerobics and are using incorrect training techniques that don't allowed you to lose greater amounts of weight?"
"Is it that you have bad genetics, or that you are not expending enough energy and calories in your activities?"
You see what I'm getting at?
There are so many other factors, and actually probably more important ones, that have an effect on your progress that quickly jumping on the bad-genetics bandwagon is going to result in you forever being stuck.
You will never find the proper training or eating technique that is right for your particular body type if you feel that it is a lost battle because of bad genetics.
Ever notice that when someone mentions that a particular individual can build well-defined muscle with minimal fat by eating fast food, pizza, ice cream, etc., the very first thing someone else says in reaction to that is "It must be his / her genetics that allows him / her to eat garbage like that and still stay lean!".
Instead of instantly shooting down someone else's training or eating techniques because it isn't the "proper", "politically correct", "goes against bodybuilding tradition", "is everything we are not supposed to do or eat" etc., thing to do, how about looking at things with an open mind.
Maybe it's not the fact that someone has good genetics that allows him / her to be able to burn body fat using non-traditional / non-popular workout techniques or nutritional plans work for them.
Perhaps it's that he / she has found what truly works for them and their particular body type.
Hey, there are tons of us that can burn off a lot of fat while eating on a daily basis a diet consisting of lots of carbs and fats, like fast food, fried chicken, donuts, etc.
No, it isn't in every individual case that we have genetics that allow us to do that, it's that we have found the correct amount of food that we can eat per day, regardless of what type of food it is, that will allow us to lose fat weight.
There are many that have been able to build lean muscle while eating very little protein.
Is it because they have great genetics, or is it that they know that the real key to eating to lose weight is not in a specific "percentage" or "ratio", or in consuming a certain amount of grams of protein, but in fact that it's the overall, total calorie amount that has the biggest impact on weight loss?
Have been running away on the treadmill, performing hours a week of cardio / aerobics, and although you may be losing some weight, you don't look any more defined or toned?
Is it that you have bad genetics, or that you need to dump the cardio (which is a major lean muscle tissue eater) and focus more on weight training in order to rev up your metabolism, build lean muscle to be able to burn extra calories, and learn exactly how much food per day you can consume to allow your particular body to burn fat, not just overall weight?
Is it that you have bad genetics, or that you tend to conveniently "look over" the fact that now and then you eat a little more food / calories than you know your body can handle?
So, again, stop blaming genetics for every physical downfall.
Step back, examine your training and eating habits.
Find what works for you...regardless of what the whole "he / she can get away with it because he / she has good genetics, but you don't and can't" philosophy says.
Don't hesitate for one second to go against the grain and try things that most preach are incorrect.
That may mean for you eating foods that many call "prohibited".
It could mean using a much higher rep range.
It could mean using more isolation exercises than compoundexercises.
It could mean hitting a muscle group several times a week instead of once.
It could mean completely ditching cardio for good.
You just might find that the key to unlocking your true weight loss potential was lying under your nose the whole time.
Copyright (c) 2007 Jonathan Perez
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