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Cut a rug
Invite some pals over, turn on some tunes, and have a 37-minute dance party. You know you haven't forgotten the Macarena.
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Work out, then make out
Hit the gym with your mate for a healthy dose of exerciseyou burn about 100 calories in 30 minutes of weightliftingthen dive between the sheets and torch another 100 with an hour of foreplay and vigorous sex.
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Move things around
Liven up the layout of your favorite room with 30 minutes of furniture rearranging.
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Hit the bull's-eye
Spend 1 hour and 10 minutes at your favorite watering hole playing a fun game of darts with friends.
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Make over your casa
Give your living room a fresh hue. Rolling on a new coat of paint burns 204 calories an hour.
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Throw a barbecue, but first vacuum, sweep the patio, and straighten up.
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Hit the market
Buy groceries for your fete (45 minutes of cart-pushing burns 117 calories), carry them inside (5 minutes of schlepping them up stairs burns 43), and put them away (40 calories in 14 minutes).
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Bat a birdie around
Challenge partygoers to a friendly game of badminton and burn about 200 calories in 40 minutes.
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Act out
Help your guests burn off even more of that barbecue fare by leading them in an hour of charades.
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Sing, laugh, repeat
Settle in for an hour of Glee and participate by belting out those lyrics; you'll burn more if you do it standing, chorus style. When it's your turn to rest your chops, laugh. Singing zaps 136 calories an hour, and 20 minutes of giggling torches another 67.
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Bypass the boob tube
A 2-hour game of Scrabble will make you smarter and 200 calories thinner.
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Hit the mini links
When's the last time you played putt-putt? All it takes is about an hour to slash 200 calories.
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Weed and seed
Make your yard happy by uprooting those pesky weeds for 25 minutes (127 calories) and planting some new seedlings (77 calories for 15 minutes).
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Relive recess days
Join the kids in a 20-minute game of hopscotch (113 calories) followed by 22 minutes on the trampoline (87 calories).
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Strike out
Meet your pals at the local bowling alley for an hour's worth of friendly competition. Give extra style points to the person whose outfit clashes most with the rental shoes.
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Shop it off
Hit the sales, and head bring lots of clothes into the fitting roomyou'll torch 11 calories for every outfit you try on.
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Get your om on
Unwind with some Vinyasa yoga. Flowing from Sun Salutations to standing poses like Triangle will burn 200 calories in about 25 minutes.
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Clean your machine
Wash and wax your ride, and you'll burn 204 calories in 40 minutes. Straighten up the inside of your car, too, and you'll melt those cals even faster.
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Tap your toes
Fidget throughout the day and you could burn an extra 200 calories before dinnertime. Researchers say people who fidget burn 350 calories a day more than non-fidgeters.
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Say ahh
Give your honey an end-of-the-day massage for 42 minutes and you'll burn around 200 calories. Just make sure you get one in return.
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