Not drinking enough water could be why you are not losing weight.
Why is water so important for losing weight?
We all know that water is the foundation to every health and fitness goal. Water is the most valued substance you consume and has a huge variety of essential functions that are the source of life.
Let's take a look at a few of the functions water performs in your body and the reasons why it's so important to drink enough water:
1. Water makes up approximately 75% of your body.
2. Control your body temperature and keep your body keep up its functions.
3. It assists in digestion, absorption and assimilation which give you the complete vitamins, minerals, and nutrients from the foods you eat.
4. Water helps with the excretion of waste from the bowels and kidneys. It will help you to avoid constipation and will relieve stress on your kidneys.
5. Water makes up 92% of your blood that helps with nutrient distribution.
6. Will help keep your skin smoother and healthier.
7. Lubricates and heals the joints and muscles.
These are just a few of the important things water accomplishes in your system.
So what? why is water so important for weight loss?
Many people search for appetite suppressants to curve their hunger when the best way to feel fuller is to drink more water. People who do not consume enough water throughout the day usually develop hunger pains more than those who drink enough water. Drinking cold water is the best choice.
Drink a glass of water when you feel hungry and wait five minutes to see if you are still hungry. Always have a bottle of water with you, taking sips every so often and notice the affects it has on your appetite.
Another thing that you should know is that drinking water consistently throughout the day will keep you from over eating, having cravings for sweets and can accelerate your energy levels the natural way. There are many other benefits as well, but these are a few that will help you lose weight.
Are you drinking enough during the day to keep yourself hydrated?
Drink when you feel hungry or thirsty. Don't drink a large amount all at once. You must also consider how much you sweat and amount of daily exercise as these are indicators that you will need to increase your water intake.
How do you know whether or not you are consuming enough water?
1. Headaches. Headaches are the most common symptom of dehydration. Water flushes out all the toxins in your body and makes up 75% up your brain. No wonder a lack of water causes a headache!
2. Dry mouth and bad breath. When not enough water is frequently passing through your mouth to rinse away the food particles, bacteria can create dry mouth syndrome and bad breath over time.
3. Reduced urine output or dark urine. 200 liters of water is passed through your kidney's every day so a lack of water will limit your kidney's filtering ability, resulting in darker urine.
4. Lack of concentration and fatigue. With a built up amount of toxins in your body due to a lack of water, you will see a drop in your energy level as your body is concentration on dealing with the unwanted toxins in your body.
5. Constipation. Water in your body will be directed to more vital functions resulting in painful and harder stools from the lack of water.
6. Skin. Water keeps your skin looking and feeling clear and smooth so if your skin develops dry spots, coloring, and roughness, it could be an indication of you is dehydrating your body.
Final thoughts
If you are serious about losing weight and be healthier, you must drink enough water each day drinking water is an absolute must.
However, this is just one step though and do remember to exercise and find out your metabolism type to really lose weight and keep it off. Click below to find out your body type and lose weight.
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