Dieting is not effective in controlling weight over the long term. You may get a temporary weight loss but you are 95% more likely to regain the weight after you stop the diet. The worst fact about dieting is that after a diet, you will probably gain more weight (fat) than previously and you will have more difficulty in losing the weight again. This is called the Yo Yo effect.
If you are like me, I deny the fact that I'll never regain all the weight back. But the actual truth is we will gain the weigh back and have more fat than we had before. How? Let me explain.
There is a valid scientific reason why most of the diet fails. Humans originated about 200,000 years ago. The body has a defense mechanism to protect itself from starvation. As soon as the body detects a food shortage, this defense mechanism starts to kick in. This causes the body to assume that the shortage will last so it will reprogram the body systems to change. Theses changes occur in the metabolism, hormonal productions, and psychological systems. The body's reaction cannot be stopped; it hard wired as self preservation.
This preservation mode or Starvation mode causes changes in a decreased metabolism and loss of muscle. Also it will increase the fat storing enzymes and hormones and reduce the fat burning enzymes and hormones, so now you are storing more fuel that burning fuel. Other responses are a decrease the thyroid output, an increase the appetite. decreasing your energy levels, and slowing down your mind's responses. Your body is starving and it will start to look for other ways to get energy.
The body doesn't burn fat the way we would choose it to. Before I studied the process I thought that the body would first burn the fuel we have consumed recently, then burn fat stored on my belly and abdomen. No such luck! Don't we all lose one of the best body attributes first! Like myself, I have an apple body, broad shoulders, round belly and thin legs and thighs. When I begin to loss weight, I begin to look like a basketball on stilts! UGH! I also notice it becomes harder to climb stairs because my legs are so weak. I now recognize I have loss lean muscle tissue! Not Good!
When you're on a diet and the body senses a reduction in fuel, this reduction will cause the body to go into what is called Starvation Response mode. So now the body needs fuel, where does it go to get it? Muscles are metabolically active tissue. So reducing the muscle reduces the request for the energy it needs to move that muscle. It now becomes more efficient to burn lean muscle than to reduce the stored fat. Basically the body is saying lets become a more efficient machine, if we have less muscle we don't need as much energy (Fuel). Go to for more info on Starvation Mode.
A calorie deficit is the only way to loss, fat. This means on an average you must burn more calories than you consume in any given day. There are two way to create a calorie deficit.
1) Decreasing the amount of calories you ingest. 2) Increase the amount of calories your burn.
The best way to do this is NOT to starve yourself by following a low calorie diet, but instead to burn the fat with exercise.
Eating more of the right kinds of food and exercise to burn off the fat is the healthiest way for you to control your weight. Exercise, unlike dieting will help you lose the fat without losing muscle or slow down your metabolism. Eating the right kinds of food will not only give your body the vitamins and minerals it will speed up your metabolism, causing you to loss more weight. It's the Win Win Game!
Exercising, consisting of cardio and strength training plus nutrition, with exponentially increase your results!
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