Friendswood, Texas
Age: 30
Height: 5'5
Before: 318 lb.
Dress size: 28
When I moved into my first apartment on my own in 2008, I was in a terrible place emotionally. Unhappy with my body and my life, I turned to food, numbing myself with frequent Taco Bell binges, the ever-present stockpile of cheesy snacks in my pantry and calorie-dense cocktails. By July 2011, my weight had ballooned to an unbelievable 318 pounds, and I had grown more miserable than ever. At one point, my stepmom was so concerned that she treated me to a salon day to try to snap me out of my funk. After being pampered for hours, I realized how much I missed taking care of myself. That's when I decided it was finally time to get serious about slimming down.
Within a month, I joined my local weight-loss center. When I reviewed the first week's meal plan, I was pleasantly surprised: The three meals and two snacks a day offered me more real food for far fewer calories than I was used to. And because there were filling options, like spinach quiche and chicken stir-fry, I never felt hungry. I began to eat clean and almost immediately lost 18 pounds, and the heartburn that had plagued me since my teens disappeared.

Dress size: 4
Total lost: 171 lb.
Sizes lost: 12
For Leigh, healthy living is about the details. Find out what keeps her going forward, and score more tested tips on Pinterest.
When I crave something a little indulgent, I have a South Beach Diet whipped peanut butter barit tastes almost exactly like fudge. At 100 calories, it's a perfect midmorning or afternoon treat.
My boyfriend got me Brooks PureConnect 3 running shoes. They're so light, I feel like they give me wings!
I have "Happy" by Pharrell Williams on my workout playlist. When it comes on around mile six, I feel like I'm in total butt-kicking mode and can't help running down the street clapping, smiling and lip-synching.
Hula-Hooping is a favorite. It's fun and never feels like exercise. I keep one in my yard for when I get the urge to move!