If you've ever wanted to lose weight but no rely on any medication or weight loss pill, there's no surer method than Beyonce's Master Cleanse diet.
To prepare for her role in the movie, "Dream Girls", Beyonce went on a 10 day Master Cleanse diet and remarkably shed 20 pounds quickly.
So what exactly is this amazing and mysterious diet that have celebrities raving about. And in case, you think this is another fad diet, the Master Cleanse was first invented and used by Stanley Burroughs in 1941.
His intent was simple. To flush the body of deadly toxins with simple and easy to find ingredients. Ingredients such as maple syrup, lemons and cayenne pepper. And unexpectedly, it became extremely effective in promoting rapid weight loss. To date, it has helped thousands of people around the world over the last 50 years in riding the body of internal toxins and rapid weight loss.
The only drawback is that some might the process grueling. To move from a solid, unhealthy American diet to a 10 day liquid diet requires lots of "determination" for some. If you've always been eating healthily, embarking on a 10 day liquid diet should be pretty easy.
However, if you've always been on the American diet of burgers, fries and your favorite soda drink, the Master Cleanse might be tough but is bound to do wonders for your health. You can expect health safe 'rapid' weight loss, while at the same time, flush your body of poisonous toxins. Many have reported upon finishing the cleanse, they experience more energy and have glowing, healthier skin.
The easiest and most convenient way to get started on the Master Cleanse is to follow proven advice. Veteran Master Cleanser, Katie Jones, has written an effective study manual to allow anyone to embark on the lemonade diet with ease.
Her best-selling "Master Cleanse Insider" is used by newbie and veteran Master Cleansers before they start on the 10 day cleanse program.
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