Weight loss is a big topic of concern among many men and women these days. For many years, there has been a plethora of weight loss tips, books, and diet plans in circulation promising amazing results. Yet for many people, weight loss remains an elusive goal that seems to be out of reach and unattainable. When the road to reaching the goal is long, there needs to be occasional mileposts of success you can celebrate along the way.
Believe You Can Lose Weight
Perhaps the most important component of losing weight is the belief that you can shed excess pounds. Motivated men and women do it all the time, and they are not superior to you in any way. They are not brighter, wealthier, or luckier. They are simply committed to losing the weight and following through until their goals are reached.
Reward Yourself for Successes
Losing weight is a tough job, so as you shed the pounds, be sure to treat yourself to something special as a reward for your small successes. Pick a reward you will give yourself when a certain goal is reached, such as a five or ten pound loss. Perhaps you may want to buy a new outfit or a new pair of shoes. Maybe pampering yourself with luxurious bath oil, coupled with aromatherapy candles and a long soak in the tub will be a nice reward for losing a few pounds.
Non-Food Item Rewards
It does not particularly matter what you choose for a reward, as long as it is for a tangible weight loss success, and it is a non-food item. The latter is particularly important, because it is food that got you in trouble in the first place.
Giving yourself a banana split as a reward for losing five or ten pounds is counter-productive for two reasons. Obviously, if you are trying to shed excess weight, you do not want to absorb that many calories. But the real danger is that you will undo the progress you have made on fighting cravings. The longer you stick to a sensible diet, the less you will crave sugar and high calorie sweets. A binge such as this can put you back to square one on the cravings, and who needs that torture? Certainly not you.
Despair and Discouragement - Not a Part of Your Weight Loss Plan
Finally, it's important to remember that while the road to losing weight is a long one for many people, it can be more easily traveled by celebrating success at various milestones along the way. Despair and discouragement need not be part of your weight loss plan. The longest and hardest tasks can be accomplished with an occasional pat on the back now and again, even if you are the one giving it.
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