When you decide it's time to lose a few pounds --or more than a few pounds -- you've also decided to embark on a big life change. You have been desiring this change of being at your ideal weight and body shape for many years. That may sound very positive on the surface, but in general, it can also be very scary, and lead to resistance and even self-sabotage.
Human beings are creatures of habit and comfort, even if that comfort creates a discomfort and a negative outcome--being overweight is a prime example.
The irony is this: Change is constant and inevitable. Even as so many of us seek comfort in the familiar, our bodies for example are changing all the time. We are constantly renewing some of our body's cells every moment. For example, our liver cells renew so often that every 7 years, you've created a whole new liver in your body. It's literally not the same organ it was before!
Given that our nature is to change, why do we so often resist this force of nature, especially when we're trying to lose weight? It doesn't make much sense, does it?
In my last blog, I wrote about a specific saboteur-emotional eating, which is summed up so often as an act of protection against the perceived risk of rejection, failure, or in fact, being loved and admired. Another saboteur is resistance to change.
For example, you could start losing weight, and instead of feeling great about the change, and when people start to notice and give you compliments, you start to feel uncomfortable with the change, and all the attention that you are starting to get. You may think, do I really deserve this attention? How should I respond to this compliment?
Your negative thoughts and feelings about change either real or imagined can derail you from the happiness, joy and success that you long for, and you begin to sabotage your efforts.
But being consciously aware of your resistance isn't always enough. As I mentioned last week, this is where Life Shift Energy Meditations and Affirmations can provide the 'missing link' to your long-term weight loss success, and truly enhance your diet and exercise program. Watch for them to become available in the coming weeks, stay tuned!
What are some of your hidden obstacles to change? Think about your life and your past attempts to get in shape or lose weight, how did any success or seeing a leaner, meaner you make you feel? Did you back off and start feeling self-conscious after a few weeks, or months, and overdose on pizza and ice cream?
If you're having this yo yo experience, I strongly suggest that you really take some time to reflect on your history. It's a great help to write down your thoughts and feelings not only for yourself, but for others reading this blog. You might be thinking you're alone in a specific obstacle, when in fact, you're in the same boat with many others.
This is a very healing place to be, and will be a great source of emotional support in achieving your weight loss goals.
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