Weight Watchers UK is the most thriving weight loss program ever. With group support and a relaxed eating program, today it still remains extremely popular and it includes participants of all ages with a variety of different weight goals.
The reason for it’s big popularity is the eat-what-you-want methodology lets members live their lives and learn to still be able to enjoy their favorite foods but everything is in moderation. It removes the diet mentality. So, is Weight Watchers UK the way for you to lose weight and then be able to keep it off?
Although Weight Watchers UK has been around for what seems like forever, over 40 years to be exact, in the 1990’s it had what could be called a major facelift. Prior, the weight watchers eating program had consisted of what was called an exchange diet.
It was far more stringent than the program of today. Then participants were told exactly how much of the different food groups had to be in their snacks and meals. In 1997 the program switched gears to the "Points" program, still used today, and also known as "1-2-3 Success" and "Winning Points."
How does it work you ask? At your initial Weight Watchers meeting, your counselor will calculate how many Points you are allowed each day. Every food has a certain Points value, which you figure out using either the slide tool called the Points Finder, or the Points Guide.
You will be able to check any food that has a nutritional label for its Points value. You can also consult your welcome book's alphabetical list to find food values. If you want to spend a few dollars it pays to purchase the kit, which includes an organizer, another Points Finder, as well as two books that list the Points for a whole bunch of foods, including restaurant items, which is very helpful.
Throughout the week, you will record the number of Points you eat with every meal on the pre-printed food journal sheet that you got with your sign up kit. You will track what you consume throughout the day and plan your meals and snacks. It works better if you put thought into it in advance so you don’t run out of points before the day is done.
Your counselor will most tell you not to eat right at the minimum Points range or lower because when you do this your body kicks into what’s called "starvation" mode, and you wont’ be able to burn fat. The type of food you eat with your weight watcher UK diet is entirely up to you because you can eat anything you want. The key is moderation and you can also take advantage of banking points so you can enjoy that treat at the end of the week.
Weight watchers UK is as powerful a program as the North American branch. It works for hundreds of thousands so why not see if it will work for you?
About The Author
Morten Hansen has been working with the Weight Loss area for several years and is mainly writing about subjects, that makes it easier for Internet users to learn about Weight Loss subjects. For more details about the Weight Watcher Area visit our site www.WeightWatcherTips4you.com
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