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10 Tips to Lose 10 Pounds

If you want to lose 10 pounds and keep it off then you must make a decision to permanently alter your ways. It may be easy to change for a day or two, but changing your eating habits for the long term requires a lot more determination and self control. There are several reasons why people want to lose 10 pounds. The main reason is usually appearance. Other reasons may include lowering the chance of developing an illness like diabetes.

These 10 tips to lose 10 pounds will make it easy to permanently alter your eating habits.

1. Have Smaller Portions

Smaller meals, eaten more often, should stop you from feeling hungry and keep you from feeling overloaded. This is necessary if you want to lose 10 pounds.

2. Eat a Large Breakfast

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. If you seriously want to lose 10 pounds have a large healthy breakfast and it will keep you from feeling hungry all day.

3. Slow down when you eat

When you eat fast you eat more. Eating slowly lets your brain have time to realize that your stomach is full. Slow down when you eat if you want to lose 10 pounds. It will help you avoid eating too much.

4. Drink a lot Water

Soda can actually make you want to eat more because caffeine stimulates the metabolism, which makes it hard to lose 10 pounds. Drinking water will make you feel fuller and healthier without the added calories.

5. Focus on Eating

Many people eat while doing other things like watching television or even playing computer games. This is not a good idea if you want to lose 10 pounds since you may not realize how fast you are eating or even if you feel full. Make eating the only task you do if you want to lose 10 pounds.

6. Don't Shop While Hungry

Go shopping early in the morning after eating a filling healthy breakfast. You will be less likely to crave junk foods and also less likely to buy them. This is a great help if you want to lose 10 pounds.

7. Keep Yourself Busy

Most people have a bad habit of eating when they get bored. If you want to lose 10 pounds keep your mind and body busy. It is the only way to stop eating from boredom.

8. Exercise

Even though exercise may make you hungry by burning off calories, you are less likely to eat bad food, as it simply won't satisfy your energy needs.

9. Don't Cook Extras

Cook only as much food as you need for the meal, it's hard to lose 10 pounds if you're always tempted to second helpings.

10. Treat Yourself Occasionally

It might sound strange, but letting yourself eat fattening foods just once a week can help tame your cravings as you look forward to your special treat.

These simple tips can help you change your eating habits and help you lose 10 pounds.

A revolutionary program to lose 10 pounds in 12 days has recently been released. It is a customizable healthy plan in which 98% of users lost weight in 12 days during its study. Learn about it here http://www.effectiveweightlossguide.com/art.html

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