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Finding the Right Cellulite Therapy

Cellulite is a problem that millions of women around the world are presently dealing with and one that all of these women are trying to get rid of. No one likes cellulite, and it is one of the most unsightly skin problems. Cellulite can greatly affect the way that a woman feels about herself and can be destructive to her self esteem and self confidence.

Cellulite Therapy Ideas

When it comes to cellulite therapy it is important to realize that there is really no single product that will work well for everyone. It is really important to take your own personal situation into consideration, including your age and how long you have been dealing with cellulite for.

Change Your Diet

Although changing your diet will almost never completely rid you of your cellulite, it is an important step in terms of treatment. You should be eating a healthy, well balanced diet, and this means lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, and drinking enough water.


Exercise is also an integral part of any cellulite therapy, and will help loosen up the blocked up fat cells that are causing your cellulite. Exercise will not only help get rid of cellulite but also offer you a number of other health benefits as well.

It will keep you looking and feeling at your very best and add muscle tone. It improves circulation which means that you will be less likely to develop cellulite in the future, and is therefore one of the most permanent forms of cellulite therapy.

Laser Treatment

One of the lesser known but more effective forms of cellulite therapy is laser treatment. Cellulite laser treatment is a new procedure that appears to be the long awaited treatment of choice for cellulite. It works by using radio frequency waves in the infrared range that are directed into the skin and which work by melting the fatty cells in the body.

It is combined with other treatments including deep skin massage which helps to deliver the radio frequency waves into the skin and anti cellulite creams. Lotions may also be suggested to use in combination with this therapy, for the best possible results.

Cellulite is a skin problem that no one wants to have to deal with. A good idea will be for you to speak to a dermatologist who is specially trained in this area and who will be the best person to help you decide on a specific treatment method.

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