Recently, you may have noticed that the tops of your thighs and your backside have become slightly dimpled, and you do not understand why. You exercise regularly, eat as well as you possibly can, yet here it is—cellulite! Today, you are out researching info on cellulite, trying to figure out where it comes from and why you have it.
Family and other female friends you know have told you that it is all genetic, and that you may as well give up, but you are determined to at least understand the underlying causes so that you can find ways to fight the cellulite. Perhaps you can at least stop it in its tracks, so it does not get any worse than it already is.
Info on Cellulite: Where it Comes from:
Your grandmother had it, you mother has it, and so does nearly every woman at the gym, but where does cellulite come from? Unfortunately, while there is a lot of info on cellulite and how to treat and cure it, there are no concrete answers on where it comes from, or why it plagues most, if not nearly all, women.
Many doctors, researchers and pharmacists will tell you that cellulite is an estrogen issue and that is why it appears most often in post-pubescent women. However, there are a number of hormones that occur during that time, and any one of those could actually be the culprit. Others will provide info on cellulite that declares that cellulite is a metabolism issue, and that as a women’s metabolism begins to slow down, instances of cellulite will worsen.
Because more women than men have this issue, there is great likelihood that a predominantly female hormone, like estrogen, is one of the underlying causes of this condition. However, when patients have combined exercise, diet and anti-cellulite cream, the fantastic results they enjoyed indicate that hormones are only a part of the issue.
It follows then, that when any one person is seeking info on cellulite, he or she must look at the issue as a larger picture and not try to pigeonhole the problem into something that can be successfully cured using only a pill or cream. This is one of those conditions that require a tremendous amount of diligence and a whole body approach to successfully treat.
Perhaps this is the reason that so many women seem to just give up and live with their cellulite or seek alternative methods, such as plastic surgery, as a means to rid their bodies of the hated dimples.
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