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Curbing an Excessive Salt Craving

There are some people who are under a lot of stress or who work out in excessive amounts and will have an excessive salt craving in comparison to other people. This salt craving is perfectly natural since they are either using more salt in their daily activities or they have stressed their adrenal gland and need to build it back up nutritionally. Dehydration can also be a cause of excessive salt craving in the diet, and the individual will need to increase his sodium intake in all of these cases to help balance out the body and allow it to function properly once again.

Other Issues

There are times when children can have a salt craving. This can sometimes be due to the habit of consuming foods with a lot of salt on them. Salt intake should be carefully monitored by the parents since too much salt can be dangerous and even lethal. There are some children that suffer from compulsive eating syndromes and must be very carefully watched so that they do not consume pure salt or products that have a very high sodium level in them since this can lead to serious illness or even death.

In adults, excessive salt cravings are usually also linked to other symptoms such as fatigue and weakness. There is sometimes also weight loss and low blood pressure and each of these symptoms should be monitored. If these symptoms that accompany excessive salt cravings last over time, the individual should see a doctor to find out if there are other underlying issues involved. There are some diabetics that will have excessive salt cravings as a symptom of the disease. In addition, there is a rare type of kidney disorder that can also have the symptom of excessive salt cravings paired with the fatigue, weight loss and weakness. This disorder is called the Bartter syndrome.

Another disease that can sometimes be related to excessive salt cravings as a symptom is Addison's disease. Addison's disease also has the symptoms of fatigue, weakness and weight loss in addition to low blood pressure. This disease usually occurs in patients that fall in the ages of thirty to fifty years of age. The people who get this disease usually have to take hormone replacements so that the insufficient cortisol produced by the adrenal glands can be replaced and the sodium level in the blood can be maintained once again. The main concern with excessive salt craving is that the individual does not want to have too much salt in the diet and cause high blood pressure, so the cravings should be checked out with the doctor.

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