Male breast liposuction involves removing excess fats on the breast area without causing any scars or damaging the muscles or skin. In men, tissues are found just below the nipple and are characterized by a slightly harder or firmer lump. If this lump is fatty, then it is that area that will require male breast liposuction to remove the fat. A simple mammogram can be conducted to assess how much fat needs to be removed on the breasts. In much the same way women who go for breast augmentation liposuction require consultation with a plastic surgeon, men who wish to have this surgery performed on them should seek professional consultation before making any decisions.
There are two main types of breast liposuction for men. One of them is pseudo-gynecomastia, which involves reducing the size of the breast by getting rid of excess fat around the breast. This is the case when the amount of tissues and glands surrounding the breast is normal. This type of male breast liposuction is the more common of the two especially among obese young men and many older men. The second type of breast reduction for men is true gynecomastia. In this case, the amount of fat around the breast is normal but the amount of glandular tissues is high. This is normally caused by excessive consumption of alcohol, lack of sufficient testosterone and various drugs. People with renal infections and human immunodeficiency virus are also susceptible to breast enlargement due to excess glandular tissues. However, tests should be conducted before male breasts liposuction to eradicate the possibility of a breast tumor.
Before considering male breast liposuction, it is important to note that there are instances when the male breast is actually enlarged. This normally happens in newborns that still have levels of estrogen in their systems and therefore cause breast enlargement. Although this quickly goes away, it may return during puberty and this should not be an appropriate time to get male breast liposuction. If surgery is considered, patients should be aware of the procedure before, during and after. This way, they do not have very high expectations after the surgery and are therefore better able to cope with it. Male breast liposuction normally provides the patient with twice as much comfort as they had before the surgery. However, patients with smaller frames may not have that much success rate because there is not much fat to remove in the first place.
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