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Low Fat Diet Plans – The Pitfalls of Low Fat Diet Plans

If you've been trying to lose weight, you may have been attracted to the supposed benefits of low fat diet plans.  While cutting fats can have a few benefits for weight loss, it is not the best solution, not by a long shot!  Here are a few of the reasons you should avoid low fat diet plans as your method for losing body fat.


1. High Protein is Essential


If you really want to lose fat, you'll need to eat several small meals per day, each rich in lean protein.  Even so, eating 5-6 portions of lean meat and eggs per day can still bring your fat total higher than low fat diet plans allow for.


This doesn't mean you should eat less protein.  It means low fat diet plans are not the answer!  You'll need to cut calories, but it's a better idea to cut them somewhat from both carbs and fats than to simply avoid fat altogether!


2. Carbs Raise Insulin


Low fat diet plans tend to include way too many carbohydrates for effective fat loss.  While carbs are not necessarily all bad, they do tend to raise your insulin levels.  Having insulin high all the time creates an environment in your body that is extremely conducive to gaining fat!


If this seems weird to you, think of people who eat tons of bread, crackers, and other foods that are almost devoid of fat but high in carbs.  They are usually fat!  This is the biggest pitfall of low fat diet plans.


3. You Need SOME Fat!


There are no essential carbohydrates, but there are essential fats.  low fat diet plans do not allow you to get the fats you need from sources like olive oil, lean meats, and nuts.  A better option is to cut some carbs and some fats, so that you can get some of each but still have a total reduction in calories.

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