1) How much weight do you need to loose? How much calories can you take per day? You have to decide on this based on your age and your height. Then you need to keep a food log on how much you take per day and count the total calories consumed. Do a Google search to find calorie charts to help you to do the calculations.
2) Look through the list and decide which food to cut out or reduce. You have to reduce drinks especially carbonated drinks, coffee and beverages because they are packed with sugar. Use a non stick pan to reduce oil when cooking. Try cooking vegetables with water instead of using oil. You really have to reduce sweet snacks such as donuts, chocolates, brownies, pastries, cakes, pies, cookies, etc
3) Plan the meal ahead of time. Do a Google search for healthy recipes online or invest in good book such as Healthy Eating by Martha Stewart. You can plan during the weekends for the coming week. Ensure it includes fresh fruits and raw vegetables in most meals. Make sure you try to reduce the calories in your weekly diet plan in order to slim fast.
4) Try healthier alternatives to slim fast.
a) Always select fresh and low-fat options for most food.
b) Prepare more chicken and fish dishes instead of beef, pork or mutton dishes.
c) Substitute high-calorie side dishes with healthier alternatives. Only take salads as the side dish but leave out the dressing.
d) Always start your day with a good breakfast of low sugar cereals, low-fat milk, yogurt, oatmeal and fresh fruits or low fat smoothies.
5) Eat smaller portions. Reducing your portion size will help you to slim fast. Always use a smaller plate when eating snacks such as pop corn, potato chips or dried fruit. Hide your dinner plates for a while or give it away because it tends to make you eat more and it really doesn't help you to reduce calories.
6) Snack on healthy food. Take small meals and snacks throughout the day in order to keep your metabolism constant. Pick snacks that are low in calories and fat but high in fiber to slim fast.
Suggestions :
a) Tomatoes, a few nuts, baby carrots, cucumbers, celery sticks, etc.
b) Most types of vegetables. They are very low in calories, very high in fiber, and full of flavor and nutrition. Avoid rich dressings with vegetables.
c) Do not take starchy food such as fried potato chips or fries.
d) Fruits also make a good snack and taste good.
e) Limit dried fruits because you tend to eat more. Drink lots of water after that.
7) Eat more fiber. Fiber keeps the right amount of water in your intestines. It helps your digestive system work more efficiently. Choose either oat meal or whole meal bread instead of white bread. You can eat more beans, corn or legumes.
8) Drink plenty of water. You should drink at least 8 glasses a day. It will make you fill full most of the time. You could also cut a few slices of orange or mint and place it in the water jug for additional taste.
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