Healthy eating plays big part in a healthy diet program. Indeed, you need to cut your calorie intake in order to lose weight, but just reduce your calorie intake without proper meal plans would be foolish and can be considered as fad diet. A healthy diet will include healthy eating in its program so you can lose weight AND STAY HEALTHY at the same time.
When you are in a diet, you will cut your meal portion, so pay attention to the foods you eat throughout the day and make sure that it contains enough nutrients for your body. Make sure you remember these healthy eating guidelines when you planning your meals during a diet:
1. Eat enough calories
Adjust your calorie intake with your activities throughout the day. During a diet, you may have less than recommended 2,000 calories but DO NOT takes less than 1,200 calories. It is highly not recommended to cut that much calories unless you are under doctor supervision.
2. Eat balanced diet
Although you are on a diet, do not ban any food groups from your meal plans. Instead, balance what you eat everyday with a variety of food from various food groups in the right proportion.
3. Focus on starchy foods
In a healthy diet, this food group should make up about a third of your daily meals since it contains starchy carbohydrates that are your body's main source of energy. A few examples of this food group are bread, rice, potatoes, and pasta. Choose wholegrain foods since it contain more fiber and nutrients than refined foods.
4. Keep adequate meal portions
If you are on a diet, your program should have suggested reducing meal portions, but it might be harder when you're eating out. If you are eating out, just stick to the regular portion no matter how much they discount or promote their super size packet.
5. Control your milk and dairy foods intake
Milk and dairy foods have high saturated fat content, so it is not advisable to consume them in large quantities. However, they are good calcium source which is important for bone and teeth. Consume them in moderate quantities and choose the low fat version.
6. Increase your fruit and vegetables intake
This one has been widely known since we were still kids and today we still haven't eaten enough every day. Five portions of fruit and vegetables each day is highly recommended since they contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals which are good for you. You can mix it in your meals or eat it as a snack. Fruit juice, strawberry or banana in your cereal, and salad are some ways to vary it.
7. Make sure to includes meat, fish, eggs, and beans in your meal plans
This food group is major protein source, which is needed for growth and repairs. Be careful for red meat since it contains high level of saturated fats.
8. Limit saturated fat, trans fat, and sugar
A healthy diet must still includes fat in it meal plans, but avoid saturated and trans fat as much as possible since these two type of fats are associated with many chronic diseases such as cancer and heart disease. It should also avoid too much sugary foods since it will make your weight management difficult. The solution to these two problems is learning to be a smart food label reader. Just make sure you noticed when the manufacturer uses other words to describe added sugar such as glucose, maltose, corn syrup, etc.
9. Limit salt consumption
Limiting sugar and salt probably will be harder than limiting anything else since these two are added to almost all foods and snacks we eat everyday. While too much sugar will make you have difficulties in weight control, too much salt will raise your blood pressure, thus make you vulnerable to heart disease. Being a smart food label reader is also the solution to this problem.
10. Don't apply military discipline to your diet
Being in a diet doesn't mean that you can't eat your favorite foods or snacks that contain high saturated fat, sugar, or salt. Put too strict restriction in your diet will make you depressed and more likely to drop the program halfway. Occasionally, it is okay to have them as long as you keep it at low portion.
All the points in these healthy eating guidelines should be fulfilled in your diet since it is necessary to keep you healthy in your weight loss process. Remember that a healthy diet does not contain only healthy eating plans, but also a good portion of regular exercises.
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