So far in this series, we have discussed the obesity epidemic in North America, we have looked at some alarming statistics, and we discussed why diets do not work. I covered in my last article one of the major factors leading to excessive weight gain and why it is such a challenge to cast if off forever.
Get Best Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan ProgramI said in my last article that consuming processed food in quantities exceeding what your body can discard will lead it to horde this empty 'food' as excess pounds. Don't eat processed food, but only foods in the form that God created them. In addition, cooperate with your system's natural rhythm and functions.
A key to proper weight loss and maintaining good health, is to flush your body clean of the toxins and waste it has stored. Well, I know there is a plethora of information on the Web about colon cleansers and it seems that every day there is a new 'wonder' product offering you the best colon cleanse ever. But don't despair. I know of many excellent colon cleanser out there that I tell people about. The optimum method to use is working with your system's natural processes and if you find your too impacted, then go with some colon cleansers. You should know that different colon cleansers function fine for some folks, but may not perform just as well for you. So, be prepared to try at least two or three types until you find one that works best for you.
chows down. This means you will need to eat 4 servings of fruits at about 8 oz per serving and 5 servings of vegetables at about 12 oz each serving every day. At the bare minimum, your body needs the daily allotment of fruits and vegetables I mentioned before to assist it in removing toxins and waste naturally and to feed it essential nutrients to fosters correct body functions. Quit whining and begin eating abundant quantities of raw fruits and vegetables. If the above dietary change is a bit too drastic for you, then you may want to consider a natural fiber supplement, but just as a last resort. One way you can take time to tend to your body's needs, is by eating fresh, raw (as much as possible) fruits and veggies left in their unspoiled state as intended by God.
If you have ingested flesh of any kind, diary, and other animal products, then it is extremely important and urgent that you undergo at least two sessions of a colon cleanse to be sure your body is cleared of all the years worth of impacted fecal waste and toxins. If you are on medication, discuss with your doctor this course of action to use a colon cleanser to evacuate your body of stored waste and toxins.
Again, fresh fruits and veggies, whole, unprocessed grains, and raw nuts should comprise 60% of you daily food consumption. The most effective foods for liberating your body from toxins and cleaning out impacted waste are found in the berry family. Other top-notch methods to assist the colon cleanse process is to eat whole grain and bran cereals.
Eat plenty of vegetables of all varieties including lots of green leafy vegetables served raw or prepared with very little cooking. Include in you food line up loads of asparagus, broccoli, chard, collard greens, kale, lettuce of all varieties (except iceberg), mustard greens, spinach and then some. While you are cleansing your colon, eliminate meat and dairy products and as a matter of fact, you should stay off of all flesh, animal derived foods, and by products for the rest of your life if you want to stay healthy.
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