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How to Have Fun While Losing Weight

It's fascinating how involved we (or about 40 percent of the World's population) are with getting skinny. Getting skinny speaks to our out-of-control desires as well as that 'dream body' we'd love to show off. You can have it you know. Like achieving anything worthwhile, there's a cost, but you are certainly capable of meeting that!

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How do you get skinny? It's really rather simple and the good thing is that in 95 percent of cases it works every time. Eat better and less, and exercise more, ensuring you get a sensible amount of rest to complement your healthy choice toward life. Do these things long enough and consistently enough, and wallah, there you have it: six or twelve months later, a 'new you.' (Keeping that beautiful body is an entirely different challenge!)

The hard bit of course is mental, emotional and spiritual stamina. Going the distance is the tough thing; toughing it out day in, day out... moment by moment. You can get there though!

Behavioral Change

Anyone involved in the psychology of weight loss will tell you if you want to break a bad habit you need to create a stronger 'good' habit. This really works. Get creative.


Arm yourself with the truth. Get the right advice, read the right books and see your physician. Trust the knowledge you get and make sure your decision-making is rooted in knowledge.

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Visualize Yourself Six Months From Now

It sounds silly but a little bit of visualization can work wonders. Dream the new you. Picture yourself out and being complimented on your willpower and your looks; indulge your fantasies this way. It's healthy for your self-esteem and confidence and it will actually help you succeed.


Don't give up. Don't give up. Don't give up. Whatever you do, if you don't give up you will actually make it! Be smart however, by not placing yourself in situations where temptations will get the better of you. Be prepared to courageously protect yourself from temptation.

Have Fun

Make sure you get creative and find ways of compensating for the things you might think you're missing out on. Just because you're trying to lose weight doesn't mean you should miss out on your life. Your new fit and fun life begins now!

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