If I could tell you a way that you can triple your resistance training results, would you want to know? Of course you would, who wouldn't?
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Resistance training can produce superior strength and muscle growth, along with tremendous fat loss results when it is done properly. On top of that when the steps in the fat burning furnace ebook are implemented you will be getting top of the line cardiovascular health results. And all this can be achieved with only 2 to 3 workouts per week and 15 to 20 minutes a routine.
The way to get these results is in making sure the exercise is done properly, not the way that most resistance trainers are instructed these days. Go into any gym and you are most likely to find at least half if not more of the exercisers doing their workouts almost like they're just going through the motions. I say this sort of sarcastically, but it's the truth.
Let's get started and look at the dumbbell curl as an example. The routine begins with taking your dumbbells, extended down to your sides. Then as you inhale you slowly bring the weight up to your shoulders. This movement trains your positive strength level. Now when you get to this position, you pause for a moment as you contract the biceps at the top of the movement, this trains your static level. And as you exhale you smoothly lower them back to the starting position, which trains your negative level.
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Unfortunately most exercisers fail to focus on the static and negative levels of the routine only to concentrate on the lifting part of the curl. Many never think to pause and contract their biceps then smoothly lower the weight as they exhale through it. It seems the main focus is always of the lifting part, leaving many benefits out which could give them a much greater result in shorter time.
In the end they are seeing only one third of the benefit from the exercise could give them. Let me back up to say that the results are truly less than a third because both the negative and static strength levels make vaster inroads than what the positive strength level gives them. This is a good thing, because it leads overwhelming progress faster as long as the body is getting the rest it needs to recuperate.Â
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Why do we care so much about strength? Aside from the obvious, strength leads to muscle growth, from the muscle growth our resting metabolism increases which in turn leads to fat loss , along with other related health benefits which are too many to list here.
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