These days, adults are not the only ones suffering with obesity, 15% of children are dealing with the same issues. There are several safer solutions for treating your weight loss besides dieting and taking pills.
Obesity attributes to every 8 in 10 Type II diabetes cases and 70% of heart disease cases. One emerging method for effective weight loss is acupuncture. Its origins date back for 2,500 years ago in China. Since its arrival to American in the late 1800s, it has treated drug abuse, insomnia, depression, and now the body, each with a different function. If you decide this method is for you, make sure you are using an expert practitioner.
For some there is a completely free method that takes as little as 60 seconds. It is called acupressure and is used to suppress your hunger. You simply press your thumb and index finger to the top part of both earlobes.
Herbal Appetite Suppressants
There are also herbal approaches to weight loss.
Click to Get Best Calorie Shifting Fat Burning System One herbal suppressant is Hoodia Maxx, which comes from the South African cactus. It is by far the strongest appetite suppressant in the United States. It boosts energy and regulates blood glucose levels; it is taken three times daily in capsule form. There are no serious side effects while taking this herb. The second herbal remedy is called Garcinia Cambogia which decreases glycogen production in muscle tissue and in the liver, coming from India and South East Asia, it is similar to that of grapefruit and oranges, this is also taken three times daily thirty minutes to an hour before eating. The third herb is called Liptrex, which has the same results as the previous two. A natural cleanser and weight loss remedy is HemagSim. A Brazilian substance containing caffeine called Guarana, which is said to stimulate the nervous system, which can also aid in losing weight.Spinning
A third method is as easy as spinning, which affects energy levels in the body. It speeds up seven parts of the endocrine systems including the adrenal gland, thymus gland, thyroid gland, penal grand, reproductive gland, and the pancreas. When you are spinning at fast speeds, your metabolism speeds up and quickly burns fat. Here are some general directions on how to spin: Spin left to right twenty times with your arms pointed outward, but do not spin so excessively that you become too dizzy. You may feel dizzy when you first begin practicing this, but eventually you will be able to build up the number of spins you perform and reduce this feeling of dizziness. It is best to practice this ten to fifteen times a day, each with ten to twenty repetitions. You should always rest in between sets for at least sixty seconds.
Detox Diets
A new program you may decide to try is the Detox diet (detoxification). It uses the body's natural ability to eliminate toxins in the body that could be harmful, into a second form that is safe for your body. Normally, this diet is used for people addicted to alcohol and drugs, but now it can be used for weight loss. Antioxidants, vitamins, and nutrients are at the center of this diet to help purify the body. Water and high fibers are also important to this program. There are some mild side effects including headaches and excessive diarrhea. Some people should not follow this diet including those who have diabetes, heart disease, and anemia. Also, women who are pregnant or people suffering from ulcers, liver disease, kidney problems, hypothyroidism, epilepsy, and low blood pressure.
Vacuum Pose
If you are trying to get a slimmer waist, a method you may choose is the vacuum pose. This can be done sitting, standing, on knees, or even on your hands and knees. It is recommended that you use the standing position for you to see the fasts results. While on your hands and knees, suck in your stomach and imagine your belly button getting pulled into your spin. Hold this position up to forty five seconds. Then, loosen up rests up to thirty seconds. Repeat this process several times. You follow the same basic instructions in all positions. You will lose up to one inch from your waist in less than twenty-two days by doing this five to ten minutes daily. This can be done while watching television or any other time you have available.
Belly Rub
Another easy way to lose weight is the simple two-minute belly rub. Using circular clockwise motions, rub over your belly button, this aid in digestion. It energizes your cells and tissues. Food become more effectively burned in the form of energy and can be eliminated from the body rather than be stored as fat which can cause blockage in your large intestines. Before beginning the belly rub, it is helpful to rub your hands together to create heat energy. That heat helps break up fatty
deposits. This simple idea dates back to ancient China. This can be done while lying on your back for two minutes, twice daily, before you go to bed and when you wake up in the morning. The more you do this, the better your results.
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