As temperatures rise, so do hem lines. Clothes become lighter and with fewer layers to hide your excesses. Suddenly, those extra pounds you gained seem more obvious than ever.
Do you want to know how to lose weight fast?
Wouldn't it be wonderful to flatten your tummy in one day or if you could lose 10 pounds in 3 days.
Even if it were possible, you'd probably lose fluids and not fat. Sure, water retention can cause you to be a lot heavier than you really are. Get rid of the excess water, maybe through a wrap or the use of diuretics, or by starving yourself, you might lose that weight for a while. Problem is the effect is temporary. The weight will return.
Some people might use fasting as a means to lose weight but the effect is temporary. After the fast, comes the feast. If after you end your fast, you get a feating reaction, eating more than you did before, not only do you gain back the weight you loat, you make it harder to shed off the weight the next time around. Just like yoyo dieting. Losing weight through an unsustainable diet, only to regain it later when you can't stick to that diet messes with your metabolism. It is better to find a moderate diet which is healthy and which you can stick to for life.
Weight loss or weight gain is a simple equation of calories.
You might ask this question. How many calories to lose weight?
The answer: It depends.
In geek terms
If calorie input < calorie output then you lose weight.
If calorie input > calorie output then you gain weight.
If calorie input = calorie output then your weight stays the same.
Other things to note, muscle burns more calories than fat, so someone with lean muscle would burn a lot more calories than someone who is flabby. Though muscle is more compact, muscle is heavier. A person with lean muscle may look slimmer than a flabby person who weighs less.
What is the real objective of your weight loss program?
To look better and to be healthier. Or is it just the numbers on the scale?
Basically, if you want to get in shape, you have to watch your diet and get some exercise. It should be a change of lifestyle. Don't think of it as a torturous diet and exercise regime. Think of it more as a move towards a healthier lifestyle.
First, make time for exercise. Go to the gym. Take the stairs. Or better yet, get a href=>treadmill and use it everyday.
Next, watch what you eat. Start a food journal and record down everything you eat or drink. You'd be surprised how many calories you consume in your drinks. Switch to water. In fact, when you feel like snacking, down a large glass of water first. Then see if you still feel like snacking. Chances are, you'd eat less that way.
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One of the best ways to lose calories is on walking. There is a nee
Eating more calories than your physique burns will cause you to ach
Yes, you can lose weight without exercising. Most people who dont like
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