This was a time when diet free weight loss was normal. It was also a time when pseudo professions would appear, not out of a university but out of suburban homes where self proclaimed experts were tinkering with pet projects. One such group created a niche market they called nutrition. They would go on to launch a diet that almost everybody would need. You see, they had stumbled on something called cholesterol. It was bad news for most people because early tests had shown that even slim and healthy people showed high cholesterol readings.
There was a reason for that. The tests were done incorrectly. There should be two readings; one for the good cholesterol and one for the bad. The true reading is the difference between the two. Instead, the readings were added together. This meant just about everyone showed a high reading.
The nutritionists had found a path to get instant credibility by simply talking up the dangers of cholesterol and offering a way to fix it. No research, in fact no science at all was ever involved in the work they did. No human trials were conducted to show that the diet had any affect whatsoever on people’s cholesterol.
This was a diet of homemade theories and pet philosophies. It was launched backed only by guesswork and wishful thinking. What was worse is that most people who followed that diet wrongly believed that the nutritionists were genuine scientists who had discovered cholesterol. They trusted they were following scientific recommendations. It is only recently that labs all over the world have corrected the method for reading peoples cholesterol.
It wasn’t long before we wondered; when did America get so fat? How could it have happened? It’s the old story. When you put unqualified people in charge of important matters that concern other people’s welfare, bad things are likely to happen. Not even when nutritionist’s began to speak of cholesterol as their area of expertise did anyone raise a voice of protest.
This untested information promoted as scientific fact, went on to become the dogma on which today’s nutritionist base their philosophy. So what was that diet? Many people will still remember it as the pyramid diet. It was launched with a poster of a pyramid. It depicted the food groups according to priority. Heavy carbohydrates were at the bottom. It filled one third. Then there was fruit and vegetables, which were at least twenty percent. That meant a diet of at least fifty percent carbohydrates.
When the diet was launched the cholesterol angle caught the media’s attention and the publicity soon induced enough fear to influence thousands of perfectly normal healthy people to start dieting. Even doctors would recommend the diet when a lab result showed a high cholesterol count.
This diet laid the foundation for today’s epidemic of weight problems and obesity. It has also caused obesity in children rates to reach alarming figures. The diet never proved to have a single positive effect on cholesterol. What it did do is lay the groundwork for the hundreds of equally bad diets that have followed since. None of these diets have ever proved a lasting weight loss.
It is time for us to stop this madness. We must eliminate diets and return to what used to be a diet free weight loss.
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