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Complete Weight Loss

Complete weight loss is when each aspect of weight loss is successfully covered. In order to attain complete weight loss you need to know about each aspect of the weight loss game.

The truth is weight loss is really simple, the ever so convicting truth is, weight loss is very hard.

There are several areas that need to be covered when one wants to learn about complete weight loss. I am going to cover 2 very important ones here and then I will leave you with some good resources to learn about the rest of them.

However the two largest factors that I know of are ... We live in a world of fast food restaurants. These restaurants are attacking us through all five senses; smell, taste, sight, touch, and hearing. They are brainwashing us by use of ads, marketing campaigns, encouraging use to "super-size" any meal that we order. Studies show that the good majority of the more popular fast food chains use chemical flavoring that encourages people to buy more and eat more to satisfy their crave for the taste of their food. Most of the fast food meals that we consume contain high amounts of toxins, chemical preservatives, and lack the nutritional value in which the body needs in order to function properly.

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The other factor which can be highly harmful to the body is that the active levels of the mass majority of humans; especially Americans has decreased to an all time dangerous low. Well, with computers, big screen color TV's, videogames, internet, etc. why would kids want be outside playing sports or working when they can have fun inside sitting on their butt. We have grown into a sedentary generation of workers. Things we used to go out to do, such as shopping, or socializing can now be performed by pressing a few buttons with your fingertips. Technology in the workforce is eliminating a lot of the "back-breaking" jobs, or at least making most jobs much easier to perform (don't get me wrong, I am thrilled that we are making these technological advances). If you combine all of that with poor diets, stress from daily life, etc. you are at great risk for gaining weight.

Many people eat do to boredom, sadness, and or anger. Many illnesses can lead to obesity. Such as: Hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, depression, and certain neurological problems that either slow down the metabolism or cause you to overeat.

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