Burning fat and gaining should never compromise each other and in fact, they should both complement each other. Most aspiring body builders are impatient to see the end result they desire and so they focus so much on gaining muscle that they forget about burning fat.
Most people assume that they can actually lose weight and burn fats by working with weights because they think they are exercising. This is a very common misconception and the truth is weights will only build you muscle and bulk you up, it will never help you burn fat like you imagined.
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Even if it does, the percentage is very minor. Cardiovascular workouts are the main staples to your fat burning journey. The unfortunate fact is that nobody enjoys the long cardiovascular workouts because of the mental and physical stress you have to endure during your workout.
If you wish to burn fat and gain muscle effectively, then you have to follow these tips closely:
1) Plan A Balanced Workout Between Weights and Cardio
Some people do too much of cardiovascular exercises while others do only weights and zero cardio. Cardiovascular exercise burns up your body's carbohydrates and body fats together with your body's protein. As you know, protein is the building blocks for muscle and by doing cardiovascular exercises excessively, you will notice that you are actually losing muscle mass. On the other hand, working too much on weights and zero cardio will result in weak stamina and a bulky but shapeless body. It is important to know your objective before you embark on any training plans and having a bulky body does not meet the objective of burning fat and gaining muscle.
2) Take The Right Supplements
If you are really keen on shedding some fats and gaining muscles, would a hard mass gainer supplement help you achieve your goal in anyway? Most beginners tend to take in any supplements they see in the store because they assume that the more the better.
If you are able to choose the right supplements based on your target, you will see results faster than you expect. For people who aims to burn fat and gain muscle fast, they think that taking creatine and whey protein will push performance to a higher level, but they often neglect the fact that most creatine are actually high in sugar content and these sugar content make it even harder to burn the fats away.
3) Replace Your Jogging Routine with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
HIIT requires you to jog a short distance and then sprint with your fastest speed for a short distance. This process is repeated until you decide to stop your training. This is highly effective in burning fat fast because that outburst of energy during your sprint will stimulate the fat burning machines in you.
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