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How to Lose Weight with Simple Weight Loss Tips

Losing weight really doesn't have to be as difficult as everyone makes it out to be. All you have to do is figure out which diet is right for you and do a little exercise. Really it's that simple, yet people are willing to spend days and days reading diet books and hundreds or thousands of dollars on bills and powders.

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Do we really need all of this? Losing weight is really very simple... burn more calories than you eat. There, its not that hard is it? Even those of us who aren't great at math can figure this one out. So how do you burn these calories you ask? It's really pretty easy, go for a walk, play catch with your dog or chase your kids around the park. Do you like golf or basketball? Both are great ways to get out and burn some calories.

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Essentially all you have to do is get your butt up off the couch and do something, anything. Heck, even walking around the mall is exercise!If you must follow an exercise routine you need to do a little self-analysis first. Are you the type of person who will cheat on a diet? If that's the case, the Atkins diet is NOT for you. Atkins is an "all or nothing" diet and takes a good deal of commitment. Most people would do better with a more moderate diet like Body for Life that is easy to follow and not only allows for cheating, but actually recommends it... in moderation of course. Some of us look to medications and pills to help us lose weight but very rarely do these work. Some of them will give you more energy which can help you work out a little harder but it's the exercise that helps you lose the weight, not the pill. The simple truth though is there is no super diet or magic pill that helps us lose weight, only hard work, dedication and effort.

Find something that works for you and stick with it. It really doesn't take all that long to lose the weight you want and once you lose it you'll have energy and be motivated to stick with it more. If you cant stay motivated find a "diet buddy" and see if that helps.No matter what, don't get discouraged. If you fall off the horse get right back on. Every single time you replace a fatty food with a healthy one you are doing something for your body. Do that often enough and you WILL get the results you desire!

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