So summer's over and you didn't get rid of those extra pounds, but now you would like to know how can I lose weight by Christmas? I hope this article will point you in the right direction.
There are all most as many different weight loss programs as there are people that need them.The problem is that most don't work.
First you've got the diet pills that only work while your taking them, may have side affects and may not be tested and approved. They may not be safe and why should you be a guinea pig for the Drug Companies to find out if they are safe.
Then there are the diet plans that want you to eat only low carbs, or low fat, or even worse rice cakes and bean sprouts
You can spend hundreds of dollars on workout videos and gym memberships. Which are great while you use them.
The truth is that most of us get enough exercise; it's the way that we eat that keeps us from getting the body we want.
There are also different medical procedures that you can have including gastric bypass surgery, These procedures can work, but have their risks.
You do not need to take diet pills, you do not need to eat foods you do not like and you don't need to have surgery.
There is a way you can achieve the weight that you want with moderate exercise and still eat the foods that you like.
You actually do this by eating more often, but in smaller portions. Then you find out which of the foods that you like are good for you and how large of portions that you should be eating and how often.
There is a system called Strip That Fat that has a Personalized Diet Generator. This is a really cool dieting tool, you choose the foods you like to eat and put them into the system and the software builds you your own personal diet complete with printable shopping list and diet outline. You can create many unique diets with this tool.
Then you get some simple exercises that target the right areas and don't take a lot of time out of your day. You have a better chance of sticking with a exercise if you don't have to go out of your way to do it. There are some great exercises you can do while you are sitting at your computer or watching T.V. that will boost your metabolism.
So the secret is that there is no secret, and no magic pill that will get you to lose weight. You just need to know how much and when to eat the foods that you like, and to get a moderate amount of exercise.
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