Another year has come and gone, and, the promise you made to yourself at the start of 2009 to lose x amount of pounds didn’t happen. While I’m sure you’re disappointed at this, you probably still have hope that you can lose this weight in the coming year. That’s great. However, in order for you to successfully lose the weight this time around, you need to heed these lose weight tips and take them seriously.
Think about your self image – If you really want to know how to lose weight and keep it off, the first thing you need to do is sit down and think about how you really feel about yourself. I’m not talking about how you wish to be, but, how you really are at this moment.
When you look at yourself in the mirror, what thoughts cross your mind?
I’m too fat.
I look gross.
My thighs look horrible.
This belly fat makes me look old and bloated.
I wish I were as thin as . . .?
I used to be a young stud, but now look at me.
These are thoughts that many of us have when we look at our imperfections. But, we’re only looking at the exterior things. Weight gain also involves the mental. Things going on in our lives from the past or present often affect the way we treat food. If you’re an emotional or stress eater, then you probably grab a bag of chips, a handful of cookies, or an extra fast food burger, often without even thinking much about it.
Of course, you claim to hate yourself after a pig out, but do you really?
It’s not really you that you hate, but the thing that’s driving you to overeat and allow yourself to keep putting on the pounds. The thing that you hate, is not taking action to modify your diet and physical activity, so that you can start dropping pounds.
Being overweight may make you feel awful when you’re in a reflective mood, but it doesn’t make you a bad person. People may snicker at you because you’re out of shape, but you know who you really are on the inside. Those mean people have issues of their own that they’re not dealing with. You need to focus on your own weight loss issues.
Why are you not willing to make permanent changes to your eating habits?
Why are you not taking the time to exercise for just 30 minutes three times a week?
Why are you looking for quick fixes to a problem that you’ve lived with for a long time?
Once you begin answering these types of questions, and become honest with yourself, you’ll have a breakthrough.
Make a commitment to yourself – This is the hard part. Many people start on diets with good intentions of staying with it for the long haul, but, usually after a month or so, their enthusiasm wanes. This may be because they picked the wrong type of diet for them. For instance, if you’re always picking fad diets that promise big weight loss in 2 weeks, you’ll never learn how to take weight off in a healthy way.
Make a commitment to yourself, in the new year, that you will follow just one diet plan for at least three months. If you haven’t seen any results after that time, then you’ll look for another plan that suits your needs better. Three months is enough time to see significant changes in your body and general health.
Get some support – If you’ve got more than 10 pounds to lose, it’s going to be a struggle from day to day. Some days you’ll be elated because you’ve lost x amount of pounds, while other days you’ll be frustrated that the scale just doesn’t move. This is normal. Everyone has unique body chemistry and genetics, so we all lose weight at different rates.
See if you can find a friend or family member who also could use some help to lose weight. The two of you can stay in touch during the time you both are on a diet and support each other. People who have lost significant amounts of weight, often say that it really helped that they had someone close to them supporting their goal.
Bottom line is: It really is possible for you to kick your fat to the curb in 2010, but you’ll need to be motivated and determined to push through your own fear and frustrations in order to succeed.
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