If you are shopping for RV insurance quotes, make sure you are not paying for the privilege to compare. A reputable agency will give you a free quote. Whether you are shopping with your own car insurance company or a specialized agent, there are several reasons why you should be offered a free quote.
There should be no obligation to buy
If you are shopping around for insurance, you should feel free to compare rates and policies without feeling obligated to buy. If you are asked to pay for a quote, then you will feel obligated, no matter what the policy looks like, to purchase it. After all, you’ve already paid a small amount towards the policy. But what if the policy is too expensive? Or what if you don’t have coverage for accessories?
That’s why it’s so important to make sure you are getting a free quote. You need to feel as though you still have the right to walk away and purchase a different policy.
You should never feel pressured or hassled to make a purchase
If an agency is pressuring you to pay for a quote, then you should walk away without even pursuing it. You should never feel pressured to purchase anything, whether it’s a recreational vehicle or the insurance policy that protects your investment. The way the agency treats you during the quote process is a good indication of how they will treat you once you buy a policy. If you feel pressured now, just wait until you try to make a claim.
You should be free to ask questions and make changes
When you get your quote, you should feel free to ask specific questions about the policy, or make changes to it without having to pay any fees. This allows you to tailor the policy specifically to your needs, whether you have a Class A, Class C, fifth wheel, camper shell or travel trailer. Make sure that the quote you get covers everything you have, including the hitch and accessories.
You should feel free to walk away and shop elsewhere
Never pay for a quote, because you should feel free to walk away and shop for a policy with another carrier if you are displeased with the service you receive. In fact, many agencies will encourage you to look elsewhere, and bring quotes back to them so they can have a chance to beat the competition. Some agents will even provide you with the competition’s rates so you can choose for yourself.
A reputable insurance agent will never charge you for a quote, and never pressure you into accepting a policy you don’t want. In fact, the best agencies welcome a little friendly competition for your dollar. So don’t hesitate to shop around and find the agency that really goes the extra mile to get your business.
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