The best diet to lose weight quickly is one which combines a healthy diet and exercise. I know you have probably heard this a thousand times but that's because it is true. If you're looking for some magic bullet that will make the fat go away without any effort on your part, there are none.
It is true that there are fad diets, diet pills, and fasting methods that will induce rapid weight loss. However, these methods can cause you to lose muscle and may also injure your heart and other organs fairly quickly. Frankly I could not recommend any of these to anyone.
A proper balance of calorie intake and moderate exercise can do wonders fairly quickly. The best diet to lose weight quickly will provide you with information and tools to manage both for you to achieve your desired result. It is easily possible to lose five plus pounds a week initially. On a good plan that will slow to 2-3 pounds per week after the first two weeks. This is the recommended weekly weight loss. If you lose weight rapidly without developing the habits that will keep it off you will fail. Those extra pounds will return faster than you think.
There are 1000's of programs to choose from when looking for the best diet to lose weight quickly making it very difficult to choose the right one. You can easily narrow your choices by eliminating the following types of programs.
1. Fad diets
2. Diet pills
3. Fasting methods
4. Plans that require you to purchase their meals
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