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Weight Loss Dreams do Come True on Diet and Weight Loss

There is a long standing joke that the word diet is actually an acronym for "Don't Imagine Eating This". If you study diets, it's a truth for many of them. But is it really necessary? Is it important for your health?

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Most diets are completely ridiculous in that they demand you eat only certain foods, most of which are plain and boring and get old very quickly. Whoever dictated that the only way to lose weight was through strict, ridiculous diets was completely off base, and probably never had to lose weight in their life. The truth is that there is absolutely no reason why you cannot diet without giving up all of your favorite foods for your health and for weight loss.

Here is what you really need to know about dieting. These are things that most "gurus" are not going to tell you, just for your health.. They want to push their products and programs, but most are exactly the same in that they produce no results! And all you want is just to diet, and have some decent weight loss!

The truth is: There is a lot more to the way your body works than what most diet gurus will tell you. It isn't just about cutting your calories down to zero and banishing carbs and hoping for the best. Your body composition is complicated and complex, and there are other ways to influence it than simply by cutting out the few things that your body does need in order to thrive.

Everyone has a unique metabolism, and it falls somewhere on a scale from slow like a tortoise to quick like a cheetah. How your metabolism works is a result of a number of factors, many of which can be manipulated with the right diet, to bring your health back to its peak.

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The right diet usually involves eating the right foods, which will bring about weight loss, rather than cutting out the wrong ones. No one said you cannot have a slice of cake or a banana split, if you are also eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy protein-rich foods, grains and plenty of carbohydrates for energy. Put the right super foods into your body, and learn how to exercise for optimum weight loss, and you can see results without having to hide the ice cream scoop.

If you are dieting by avoiding all of your favorite foods, you are doing it wrong. You absolutely have to eat to be healthy, and eating right means eating well. There are a myriad of diets out there that do work, and you can spot them by looking into the ones that do not tell you what not to eat. Your body has to feel full and nourished, in its best health in order for your metabolism to work at its best.

The truth about dieting is simple: Your body knows what weight is healthy, and it will get you there. The first step to showing your body that you want to be healthy is to stop cutting your favorite foods out of your diet. Avoid foods that are unnatural, like hydrogenated oils, but don't give something up simply because it has carbohydrates or fat in it.

Chocolate can be healthy for you, so indulge yourself once in a while. When your body feels full and satiated, that is when you can best learn how to get the weight off.

There is no reason why you cannot learn how to diet without having to give up your favorite foods, so find a diet that doesn't limit your comfort foods and see what eating right really means. In this way YOU WILL acheive weight loss, and be in the best of health.

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