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How the HCG Diet Plan Works

The HCG diet plan is more than a simple low-calorie eating plan. The plan centers on the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone, which is created during gestation and in some cases is depleted in the body over time. By supplementing the body's reserves of this hormone and sticking to a low-calorie eating plan, the root causes of obesity are targeted and changed.

There are three ways in which the plan works:

The hypothalamus begins burning excess fat
When the British endocrinologist A.T.W. Simeons, first studied the hormone,  he realized that its primary function in the body is regulating the hypothalamus of the brain. This control center is responsible for triggering the body to burn excess fat for fuel, leaving lean muscle tissue untouched.

Although we are all born with a store of this hormone at birth, in time it is stripped away by chemicals in our environment and in processed foods.  Dr. Simeons realized that by supplementing these depleted reserves, the hypothalamus can begin functioning properly again.

Once the hypothalamus begins functioning, the metabolism is reset
When the hypothalamus begins functioning properly, it acts like a thermostat that constantly regulates the body's fat-burning capacity. Once everything is working smoothly, it creates a kind of reset of the body's metabolism. So while the body is burning the excess fat that causes obesity, the metabolism gets reset so that it is no longer sluggish. This means that once the dieter's goal weight is attained, the body will be able to process food into energy more efficiently, helping to keep weight from creeping back in the long-term.

Dieters learn proper eating habits and portion control
While this diet does trigger some amazing biochemical changes in the body, it does not rely on simple science alone. Another key component of the diet is behavioral change. Dieters are put on a low-calorie diet that emphasizes fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and teas.

Sugars, refined starches and the like are strictly forbidden. Over time, dieters learn exactly how much food keeps them feeling satiated. They learn to prefer fresh foods over processed food. These behavioral changes will help dieters maintain their losses once they have achieved their weight goals.

The plan, compared to typical diets, is quite unique. While traditional diets focus on depriving the body of a particular food group or push processed "frankenfoods," this plan puts the emphasis on eating sensibly and eating fresh. It also corrects the depletion of the hormone in the body, something no other diet seems to address. It's a sound plan that encourages behavioral change but at the same time does not advocate hours in the gym. For anyone with moderate to severe obesity, this diet is definitely worth a try.

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