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Anyone own a Cardio Twister?

If you're interested in purchasing a Cardio Twister to help you lose weight and get toned, I recommend you read the information on this page.  This article will explain what's wrong with the Cardio Twister, and help you find other solutions.

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The Cardio Twister is a new workout fad that focuses on a twisting motion that works your abs and obliques, promising to reduce the fat in those areas.  There is very little variation in the movement of the Cardio Twister -- your legs move in one motion while you twist and turn your abs and obliques in a fixed path.

Unfortunately, this machine preys on people who don't completely understand how fat loss works.  There is no such thing as "spot reduction," or in other words, you can't work just one muscle and lose fat around that muscle.  It is not possible to work just your abs and lose fat only in that one spot -- it is simply not how the body works.  The claims of the machine's manufacturers are unfortunately not completely true.

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Additionally, the Cardio Twister completely ignores the thousands of stabilizer muscles in your body, forcing you to move in one fixed motion and only work major muscle groups.  This will lead to serious injury and incomplete muscle development.

You don't need a special workout machine to lose your body fat and get toned.  In fact, the solution is much, much easier (and cheaper!) than you think.  Through my own personal experience and the experience of dozens of private clients, I've found that the best way to lose belly fat is through a specific kind of cardio and the right diet.

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