The season of baggy jumpers, nights on the sofa and comfort eating is upon us and most of us gain weight during winter.
We comfort eat for various reasons, but comfort foods tend to be high in carbohydrates regardless of the time of year, and are even more tempting in colder weather. Whatever the cause, comfort eating usually results in one thing and that’s weight gain.
The fact is that we can't blame being cold for overeating. Our metabolism actually speeds up during cold weather because our bodies are working harder to keep us warm. Which means that any weight gain is more likely associated with the way we tend to eat more and flop in front of the television when the days get shorter and the evenings darker.
Rather than avoiding your favourite comfort foods all winter, which can just make you crave them even more, try to think of healthier alternatives. If you fancy something sweet, why not swap that calorie laden piece of chocolate cake for a warming light hot chocolate? This way you can satisfy your sweet tooth and watch your waist at the same time.
During winter it is even more important to plan meals in advance, so when you're cold and low and tempted to indulge, you've got a wholesome meal on hand. It is also vital to watch your portion sizes as it is common for people to fill their dinner plates with much larger portions than they eat during the summer.
Snacking and carbohydrate-heavy food cravings are common effects of colder, darker weather, but this non-stop snacking only contributes to weight gain. Try to stick to healthy snacks, avoid heavy meals and eating late at night and try to keep yourself occupied with non-food-centric activities. Painting your nails, having a bath or picking up the phone and calling a friend are great ways to distract yourself from food. Not only will you be able to pamper yourself or catch up with a friend, but you will also avoid gaining those extra pounds.
Although it’s cosy to wear comfy baggy jumpers and cardigans during winter they also disguise your body and can give you the illusion that you have a slim body under all the winter layers, while in fact you are slowly growing bigger under all those clothes. Weight management is even more important in the colder months when we are tempted to cover up and be more lethargic.
A way to avoid winter weight gain is to buy fitted winter clothes, and be determined to still be able to fit into them comfortably three months after you have bought them. If you have a wardrobe full of comfortable and 'fat' winter clothes have them taken in and so that you are not tempted to grow into them.
Cold, wet weather can leave people feeling sluggish and unmotivated. Excess pounds creep on when you consume more calories than you take in, but it's not easy braving the cold and dark to exercise. Join a group for motivation and or get an exercise buddy - your exercise time will also be a time to chat and let off steam. Exercise not only burns calories – it also releases endorphins that help control appetite and elevate mood, helping you keep winter blues at bay and control the urge to comfort-eat.
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