Can you duplicate the success of Hollywood actresses who promote Jenny Craig's Weight Loss Program like actress Kirstie Alley did? Is it enough that Jenny Craig is one of the biggest weight loss programs in the U.S.? The program should work as it stresses good nutrition and moderate exercise but is that enough? Jenny Craig is not just in the U.S.; it is also in Australia, New Zealand, and also in Puerto Rico. This means that a lot of people will be able to find a Jenny Craig location. They also have an online bulletin board that enables you to find a weight loss partner so you don't have to feel like you are going it alone.
When you join the Jenny Craig Weight loss program you can chose to go to a Jenny Craig Center in your neighborhood for individual consultations or you can use the at-home program where you will have consultations over the phone with a Jenny Craig consultant. You will order food every two weeks and the food will be delivered to your home within a week of placing your order. The consultant is there to help you with menus, answer any questions you have and to do all that is possible to make sure that your experience with Jenny Craig is a good one.
The Jenny Craig program is designed so that the average client loses one pound every week by eating a diet that consists of at least 1200 calories a day. The Jenny Craig menus are designed using the Department of Agriculture's Food Pyramids so you know that the food will be nutritious. The food also has received the seal of approval from the Jenny Craig's Medical Advisory Panel.
Some critics say that the Jenny Craig Weight Loss program food does not contain enough fiber, iron or zinc. These are nutrients that are vital to women of childbearing age so this would be a concern if you fall into that age group of women. Other critics say that there is little in the way of support for clients so if you are someone who really needs support in order to succeed with your diet plan that Jenny Craig may not be right for you.
If you prefer to go-it-alone when practicing a weight loss program and you hate to shop for your own low-fat food, the Jenny Craig program may be just right for you.
If you really need support, hate to be limited to company food and desire to meet with others who are trying to lose weight than Jenny Craig may not be for you.
Before starting any weight loss program, Jenny Craig, or any other one, you should always seek the counsel of your doctor who can advise you on which programs are healthy for you.
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