There's a lot of people who need to lose weight out there. If you're one of them, you should read these weird weight loss tips!
Weird Tip #1: Eat Whatever You Want!
Now I know this goes against what all the diet advice people say, so hear me out.
If you just eat a low calorie diet 100% of the time, your body will get used to it. That means your metabolism slows down, so now eating a low-calorie diet won't help you lose fat anymore.
So how do you fix this problem for people who need to lose weight? Easy!
Eat low calorie diets for a few days, then eat a ton of food. Then, starting back the next day, you go back to a low calorie diet.
This way your body never knows how many calories to burn, but it will aim for the higher side- just in case!
This weird weight loss trick has had a lot of success for people, as long as you can get back to the healthy, low calorie diet smoothly.
Weird Tip #2: Stop Exercising So Much!
...What? I thought this article was for people who need to lose weight?
It is! But the problem is a lot of people exercise the wrong way.
They focus on cardio exercises, which can burn muscle tissue as well as fat. And the more muscle you burn, the lower your metabolism.
Instead, do more focused, muscle-building exercises. These can help you build more muscle to burn off weight faster.
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