Health is wealth - is a popular saying. And sexual health is not an exception. In today's world, most of us seem to suffer from one or the other sexual disorders.
Health is wealth - is a popular saying. And sexual health is not an exception. In today's world, most of us seem to suffer from one or the other sexual disorders. Sexual problems have resulted in short term relationships and all kinds of other health problems. There are many sexual problems faced by today's men and women.
A woman's sexuality is an important component of her physical, intellectual, psychological and social well-being. Her sexuality provides her with a way to express her feelings, demonstrate caring, and communicate and develop intimacy with another person. As such, sexual expression becomes a source of pleasure and fulfilment, and for couples this becomes a powerful form of communication.
The actual number of women who suffer with some sort of sexual dysfunction is unclear, with estimates ranging between 20% to 68% (the latter when mere dissatisfaction with sex is included).
There are many different reasons why a woman may experience this type of issue - both psychological
Experts and researchers identify the usual causes as physical or psychogenic. Psychogenic causes are those related to religious beliefs, sexual abuse history, coercive partners, relationship issues, anger, stress, bad sexual encounters, loss of control and fear. Physical factors leading to female sexual dysfunction may include presence and exposure to medications like hypertension, birth control and antidepressant pills, hypothyroidism, nerve damage, spinal cord injury, depression and atherosclerosis.
The female sexual dysfunction or FSD used to be treated by using male sexual dysfunction medicines. However, it did not achieve the desired result. What's worse is that since they were not designed for women, these medicines sometimes would even lower the female libido.
The physiological factors have been studied in detail with reference to male sexual dysfunction as compared to female sexual dysfunction. Although, cardiovascular and neurological disorders have been found to be related to male sexual dysfunction, their role in FSD has not been underlined.
However, some of the medications for these conditions will take away the problem that is causing this terrible symptom. If something like anxiety or depression is eliminated, you are likely to have a lot more success with treating your sexual dysfunction. If not, you may need to look into different drugs for female sexual dysfunction.
If there are no other medical complications that lead you to sexual disorder then you need to examine your lifestyle. This way dealing with female sexual dysfunction could be a lot easier. If your body needs regular exercise, go for it. Also see that your body gets enough of sleep and healthy food and stay away from junk foods. When it comes to your mental health, see that you're away from stress anxiety and other negative emotions which will take their toll when it comes to spoiling the lifestyle.
If you are on the lookout for drugs for female sexual dysfunction, you will definitely want to make sure to investigate your situation. If you have a medical condition that is causing the decrease in sex drive, you can take steps to eliminate those symptoms. There are different methods that will work well for different people, so be sure to find the best method for you.
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