Weight Reduction Pills ?How Effective Are They?
There is a great popularity of diet pills due to their high effectiveness in fast shedding of weight. The pharmaceutical companies that specialize in weight loss pills spend millions of dollars on research to find effective diet pills. There efforts are paying off as many natural diet pills have been brought out by these companies that are effective in losing weight. Presently, the weight loss program is a 50 million dollars industry.
Diet pills come in two types, the over the counter diet pills and those sold by prescription only. The prescription diet pills are the Meridia, Bontril, Phentermine and Adipex. These prescription diet pills are meant for those who are obese and have a BMI of above 35.
The prescription diet pills are designed to create chemicals that resemble functions and produce results similar to that of the natural supplements. The drug makers make a lot of profit in this kind of drugs. It must be mentioned here that one cannot patent natural herbs. This is the reason for the drug companies not going to develop them as products. In many cases, one gets the same or better results if drugs are made imitating the natural herb.
However, over the counter diet pills are beating other sectors of the weight loss market. There are some diet pills available that contain amphetamine-like ingredients in them. These diet pills in spite of offering fast weight loss can actually be dangerous to the person using them.
Diet pills are taken by mouth to lose one抯 weight. This type of pill has the medication to hasten the metabolism and at the same time suppress the appetite. This helps the overweight people to lose weight with its use.
The diet pills have diuretics that help the body to flush out the excess fluid from the body. Foods that contain salts retain water naturally. This results in weight gain. One of the common ingredients is caffeine that works as diuretics.
It must be mentioned here that over the counter diet pills are affordable and could be bought at many places like stores, health food stores, department stores, pharmacies, and convenience stores.
The over-the-counter diet pills do not come under regulation by the food and drug administration. Most of these pills are not tested and it becomes difficult to know the side effects or risks involved with the use of the diet pills. If some private companies make some study on diet pills, the side effects could be known to the public.
However, the prescription diet pills contain stronger ingredients compared to counter diet pills and they work differently. Many of the prescription diet pills release neurotransmitters known as serotonin that is also found in the human body. Serotonin works to affect the mood and they help to restrain appetite.
Doctors generally do not prescribe diet pills. They only do so for those patients who are obese. Even after prescribing the diet pills, doctors monitor the weight chart of the patient and also do regular blood tests.
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