Caralluma Fimbriata - The New Hoodia?
Almost everyone knows the benefits of Hoodia for effective weight loss and dieting, right? But did you also know that Hoodia is getting harder to find? Why? Dwindling supplies. So what happens? It's getting more expensive to get your hands on it!
So here comes something called "Caralluma Fimbriata". Heard of it? So what is it? And what does it do? How does it work?
Caralluma Fimbriata - is it the new Hoodia?
Caralluma Fimbriata, a member of the cactus family爄s爌rimarily found in營ndia. It has been used by the Indians 爁or centuries to control hunger and suppress appetite. It is?commonly used by hunters of that country as a portable food. It can be cooked as a vegetable, eaten raw and used in preserves. There is also the belief that it can enhance endurance and lower blood sugar. Research into it's use as a thyroid treatment is promising. 燭he way that researchers believe Caralluma Fimbriata assists with weight loss is
that it blocks the activities of several enzymes that are believed to signal the body to store fat.燭his then forces fat reserves to be burned causing weight loss. The patented ingredient is called Slimaluma and爃eld by a company called Gencor.
Caralluma Fimbriata爃as some promising characteristics and has the potential to be an effective appetite
suppressant.燘ecause of this, many have compared it to Hoodia in terms of effectiveness and爓ould be useful,
particularly爂iven the short supplies of Hoodia available. If you are looking for a safe, all natural and effective aid to losing weight, then give Caralluma a try. Use it in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise and you'll be sure to lose weight and live a healthy life.
Sources: Khan B, et. al. "Hypogylcemic activity of aqueous extract of some indigenous plants." Pak J Pharm Sci., 2005 Jan;18(1):62-4
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