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Is It Really Possible To Lose Body Fat Quickly?

While it is certainly possible to lose body fat quickly, you need to keep in mind that some people will have to work harder to lose body fat quickly than others.

The reason for this is that people have different metabolisms, different genetics factors, and are under different circumstances.

Regardless of individual differences, there is a basic formula that can help you determine how soon you can transform your body?br />
To determine how to lose body fat quickly, calculate the amount of time it takes to burn a pound of fat. There are 3,500 calories in every pound of stored body fat. By reducing your daily caloric intake by 300 to 700 calories less than the calories required for maintenance, you can lose anywhere from half a pound to two pounds of fat every week.

Although the amount of fat you lose every week will depend on several factors, you can lose body fat quickly and maintain the transformation if you lose half a pound to two pounds every week; this is also the safest way to lose fat.

Your body might kick-start its response to famine in order to protect fat stores by slowing down your metabolism if you attempt to lose more weight than this. you go overboard when trying to lose body fat quickly and exceed the recommended half a pound to two pounds per week, you will diminish your body's ability to continue burning fat and keeping it off.

When trying to lose body fat quickly, keep in mind that you need to keep a certain percentage of body fat to maintain optimal health. Consider the following average levels, based on the most recent statistics, as a general guideline when trying to lose body fat quickly.

Aged up to 30 = 9%?5%
Aged 30?0 = 11%?7%
Aged 50+ = 12%?9%

Aged up to 30 = 14%?1%
Aged 30?0 = 15%?3%
Aged 50+ = 16%?5%

As people get older, their body fat percentage will increase partly because of the loss of lean muscle mass. To stay healthy, it's important for men to maintain a body fat percentage of 8%?4% and women to stay in the range of 13%?0%. If you allow your body fat levels to fall below this recommended percentage for a lengthy period of time, you may experience health problems.

How low you go depends on your personal preference and how you want your body to look, as long you keep it within a healthy target range.

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