Good Hummus is undoubtedly a very healthy product that provides the body protein, good fats, vitamins and more.
Originated in the Middle East, Hummus is a popular dish which . Chickpeas and tahini usually eaten with pita or other flat bread. It has a texture and consistency similar to peanut butter.
This favorite Middle East is widely used in countries such as Syria, Israel, Turkey, Greece, Cyprus and Lebanon.
It's popularity is unserstandable, especialy when we consider the health factor in it.
But how do you know if you buy industrial hummus that have nutritional value?
Here are some tips for wise consumption and a bonus: homemade hummus recipe easily
1. Percentage of hummus peas : it is best Hummus will consist mostly cooked chickpeas. Only some of the companies listed details of the percentage of chickpeas, and the higher this percentage, it better!
2. Are most of the fat comes to grinding? Most fat should come tahini hummus preferably full sesame tahini . With the full tahini grind , the sesame seeds come with their shells and is therefore richer in fiber, iron, calcium than regular grinding.
3. Type of oil was added to hummus: most industrial part of the fat hummus comes from oil. Preferred it to be canola oil and soybean oil (usually called 'vegetable oil'). Canola oil contains more monounsaturated fatty acids, rich in omega-3 is considered healthier.
4. Fat: some industrial hummus products have high fat oil by using less chickpeas. Fat percentage should be approximately 20% (fat percentage expressed by the value of the amount of fat per 100 g product).
5. The presence of preservatives: industrial hummus will always include preservatives (so it is much better to but homemade Hummus or buy it from known Hummus place). Conservation material is often used potassium Surebte (E202). The material may cause allergic reactions sensitive to this.
European Union decided beyond the amount of 25 mg / kg body weight is likely to harm health, and Israel may use up to 2 grams per kilogram of snacks, cheeses and pastries.
6. Number of elements specified: the shorter the ingredient list, the product is less processed and closer to the base products.
7. Amount of salt (sodium) - salt is usually a significant component of industrial hummus.
It also enhances flavor and is used as a way to further conservation. Should be minimal.
After making these simple 7 check points, we are now ready to realy enjoy the health and taste of Hummus.
Beyond the great taste of hummus, there is a known fact that
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