In general terms you put on weight simply because the quantity of calories you devour is in excess of the volume of calories that you are using for the activity you performthroughout the day. The extracalories, those that are not used upare retainedby your body in the form of fat and the 慺atter?you becomethe more your weight will increase.
Therefore in very plaintermsso asto stayat a steadyweight or avoid putting on furthersurplusweight you ought tosimplyreduceyour calorieconsumptionand increaseyour activityamountsto a positionwhere the two equate.
This isvery simpleon the face of it but tremendouslydifficultto accomplishin realityfor the majority of people.
As a resultof the typesof livesthe majorityof us havewe tendto dolittle or no physical activitythroughout the day as part of our normal daily routine. The majority of the physically exertingjobsthat peopleperformedin the past have now become mechanised with muchof the toughwork being performedby machinerymost probablyoperatedfrom central computer.
The scarcity of activity is also carried onthroughoutour personaland social lives. A great dealof our sparetime is spenteither satin front ofa computer screen or television set.
When we sit for long amountsof time we also have the tendencyto snack. Manyof the typesof foodstuffsthat we consumewhilst relaxingin front ofthe tvare aptto containeither considerableamountsof sugar or saturated fat (crisps etc.), adding toour calorie intakeradically.
Our contemporarylife styles also tendto be considerably morestressfulthan those of predecessors. When we arestressed many of ushave a tendencyto reach fora sugary or sweetpick-me-up.
There is also a tendency for people to stay up laterin the eveningwhich reducesthe degreeof sleep we are getting. Scientific studieshave shownthat there is significantproofto suggestthat there is a definiteconnectionbetween not getting enough sleepand gaining weight. This would appearto be in partdue to the increasedamountsof ghrelin (a hormone) that is producedwhen we aretired. Highquantitiesof ghrelin tendsto make you feel hungrywhich is inclinedto make you want to eat more.
What can we do toavoid gaining weight?
Get more exercise!
The recommended minimum quantityof activity for an adult is 150 minutes per week.
This can be any formof exercise that is deemedto be 憁oderately intense?which effectively meansany formof exercisethat willintensifyyour heart rate and result in you breaking out into a sweat. This is not a suggestion that we should all join our local gym!! Anythingas straightforwardas walking brisklyor cyclingwill do quite nicely.
Most of us are inclinedto choosethe easy option and willto take the car or a bus for even the shortest of journeys. If you make the decisionto cycle or walk for some of these smalljourneys it is surprising how many calories you will burn off during the course of a week.
Consume less food!
Where possible simply reduce your calorie consumption. The simplestway to accomplishthis is merelyto have marginally smaller portions. This is far a lot easierthan trying to adhere toa strictdiet routine.
Also try and cut out, or at least reduce, foodstuffsthat are obviouslyvery highin calories.
Take care- if you are considering buying foods that are labelled憀ow fat?by the supermarketsbelieving that they are an aid to weight loss. Despite the fact thatthe fat content may wellbe lowerthan the regularalternativemanyof these foodstuffsin facthavesignificantlevelsof sweetenersand sugar and canin realitycause you to gain weight.
Wheneveryou are satwatching TVin the evenings or sufferfrom the symptoms of stress and are unable toovercomethe desireto eat attempt toavoidthe normalconveniencetypeof snack. Insteadconsideritemssuch asfruit or other low calorie optionssuch asrice cakes, crackers and plain popcorn.
If you are reallyhaving problems overcoming aweight problem there are also productsthat are available which are specifically designedto helpyou. There are a number of productsthat will assistwith appetite reduction and alsoproducts referred to as fat burners designed specifically to help your body burn the excess fat.
If you make the decisionto lose weight with pills to help you then it is worthmentioningthat the best weight reduction pills are those that contain only natural ingredients and have been fully tested.
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