Losing more weight quickly is always a common need from my friends and family, it’s a challenge that everyone struggles with at some point as deadlines for weddings, special events, and other things on the calendar come up throughout the year. Here are a few tips that can get you in the shape you want just in time for your due date!
Losing More Weight
1. It’s a common suggestion that you hear all the time, but if you want to make your target weight by a certain day you MUST start drinking more water…and a lot of it.
The reason why has to do with your body’s own water retention levels. Simply put, if you’re not drinking enough water each day your body will hang on to and retain every drop it can because it thinks you need more water!
The solution: By drinking six to eight 8oz. glasses of water a day you actually fool your body into NOT retaining water because your brain believes you have access to more water than you need. It’s crazy to think that to reduce water retention you have to actually flood your body with water, but I guarantee that if stick to a high level of water consumption you’re going to see at least two to four pounds drop off the scale within the first few days alone.
2. Along the same line, if your goal is to always be losing more weight fast, or as fast as possible anyway, you have to reduce the carbs.
Carbohydrates (either sugars, or complex carbs like breads) force each cell in your muscles to retain water. Carbs literally drive and push water into the cell itself, which makes you appear bloated or puffy. If you’re going to reduce your size in a short period of time you must go all-out on cutting the carbs back as much as possible. I recommend a total allowance of no more than 20-30 grams per day during this phase.
Do it for a week and you’ll see your skin tighten, your body tone up, and some of the flabby areas begin to shrink. It’s an awesome experience to go through and the fastest way to slim down in time for an event that’s only a couple weeks away.
The truth is that everyone I know is sick of the latest diet programs, where you’re either STARVING or trying to live through BRUTAL workouts. Instead…
For extra advice on natural appetite suppressants click the website link. If your problem region lies in your chest, I recommend you check out this article on how to increase chest size.
Everyone knows that smoking is a major cause
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Rob Poulos, who has fought against his overweight since his childhood.
Rob Poulos, who has fought against his overweight since his childhood.
Want to know how to reduce weight fast and lose that weight forever? H
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