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Fitness Boot Camp - The New Trend in Losing Weight

Food joints can be seen anywhere these days. What is more, it seems that most of these foods are subtly high in calories and can be unhealthy. But there are still a number of people who keeps a close watch on what they eat and are serious about their physical fitness. Sometimes though, keeping the body fit cannot be done alone especially in hectic schedules or even the lack of will and indolence can be a factor. But thanks to fitness boot camps; there is a great way to keep you in a great shape. Fitness boot camps are available for everyone and in most parts of the world; and there are now increasing in popularity.

Fitness boot camps usually take 4 to 8 weeks and happen outdoors with lots of exercises and activities conducted in groups. In these group exercises, you will be exercising your body with intense workout routines.

Fitness boot camp exercises would include waking up early in the morning for an early work out, run or sprint. Push-ups and plyometric exercises can also be performed. Plyometric exercise is an exercise technique that creates greater elasticity and strength on the muscles. It is even known to improve the function of the nervous system. It improvises exercise techniques that are quick and powerful. Originally, these exercise technique is used to improve your adaptability to sports like rugby, soccer, skateboarding, basketball, and martial arts to name but a few.

Fitness boot camp are ideal for the masses, especially those who have their job and other activities. In a group of 6-10 people (as it accommodates a small number); they would usually meet up in an open space like parks where they would have these routine exercises. Before the beginning of the activity, trainers would conduct orientations. In these orientations, there would be a brief introduction to the exercises they would make, and the precautions that they should consider. After this forum, they would proceed to the warm-up phase for about 10 minutes. Next come the main course of the exercises where the group would then have those muscles twist and turn with highly intense exercises. Jogs, sprints, push-ups and the likes of that is what we are talking about as intense exercise. Not bad though; and after almost an hour, they would commence with a cool down and start relaxing those tired muscles.

These fitness boot camps are not for adults alone. In fact, there are kid’s fitness boot camps wherein kids will be taught how to discipline themselves by exercising and even meet other people in the process. There are also specific fitness boot camps offered like sports boot camps wherein enrollees can play soccer, bicycling, running and many others. For seniors or much older people, they also need to keep themselves fit that is why senior’s boot camp is offered to them.

Fitness boot camp surely reduces the excess weight in a much simpler way.

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