It is highly probable that at one time or another nearly all woman has worried about cellulite and given that around 85% of the women population (and a certain amount of men) suffer from the problem, they are certainly not alone. The appearance of cellulite, which often affects the belly, buttock and thigh area, can be very awkward and there is no doubt that the ‘dimpled’ look of the skin is unsightly and undesirable Cellulite
What are the causes of cellulite?
Many people instantly assume that obesity or overweight is a major cause of cellulite but, although carrying extra weight does not help, it is not always the case and even very slender ladies can have problems with the condition. Cellulite is more likely to be the result of a hormonal imbalance or may simply be hereditary, even though it does tend to become worse with age. While the exact reason for cellulite continues to be something discussed among professionals, it is known that it has a lot to do with the skin’s fat cells that lie just beneath the surface, in the subcutaneous tissue. Often, cellulite will appear worse in those with poor circulation, which affects the blood circulation and capillaries, or where the lymphatic system is sluggish. According to Dr. Amy Newburger, a medical doctor dedicated to dermatology, cellulite should indeed be hereditary, ‘so much so that the indications of who will get it, and to what degree, are present almost from birth’.
Even with this knowledge, it is still true that significant fat gain can exacerbate the problem due to the presence of larger fat cells swelling and ‘bulging’ out from the thicker, less elastic connective tissue under the surface. Combined with the thinning skin that is associated with aging, and the fact that every ten years five pounds of muscle is replaced with the softer, more expansive fat, it is inevitable that cellulite will become more noticeable the older we are.
Do cellulite creams actually work?
Given the number of women eager to rid themselves of cellulite, there are a slew of anti-cellulite treatments in the marketplace, many in the form of topical creams and serums. Although some are obviously more effective than others, a Dermatologic Surgery study found that some topical treatments really do reduce the number of fat cells in the skin, thus improving the appearance of cellulite. As Dr. Newburger goes on to say, ‘Cellulite creams work great to pull fluids out of the spaces between cells and induce lipolysis – fat burning in the layer just below the skin’s surface’.
Other benefits of topical treatments include boosting the circulation and, if applied in a circular, massaging motion, encouraging the removal of toxins from the body. Applying the cream to warm, moist skin, for example after exercising or taking a hot shower, also aids in absorption, allowing the treatment to get to the problem areas faster.
Is Cellulean For You?
The idea of smoothing the skin by the means of skin toning agents and moisturizers seems rational. Substances such as Alcohol, Horsetail Extract, and others could possibly tighten the skin in order to lessen the appearance of cellulite, while ingredients such as Aloe Vera and Shea Butter can keep the skin soft and supple.
Also Cellulean uses the 45 most powerful pharmaceutical grade ingredients that when combined together, fight the appearance of cellulite and fat really well. This powerful cream is also being promoted by medical professionals world wide because of its unique ability to visually decrease the appearance of fat and cellulite.
You can actually try this product now RISK FREE.
Cellulean is one of the top cellulite fighting products on the planet. You can try this product for FREE today by clicking Cellulite . It’s risk FREE!
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