It can be very difficult knowing what to eat as there is so much argument even among the experts as to what constitutes a healthy diet. But most agree that faddy diets such as those that depend on one food group or those that cut out whole food groups are not a long term solution. You may lose weight but your body will be deprived of nutrients and minerals needed for long term health.
Once you start taking more care of your body and following a sensible eating and exercise plan you will be surprised at how the weight falls off. It is not difficult to lose weight. Those that say they can't lose weight either haven’t tried or are following the wrong plan. Of course there are some people who have an underlying medical condition that accounts for their weight problems but these people can still lose excess pounds under the supervision of their medical advisers.
Exercise is good for you not only because you get fitter and tone up but also because it gives you energy, it reduces stress and it helps to clear your mind. Those that exercise regularly make better decisions at work, think more clearly and are generally in a better mood than those who sit on the couch watching TV all day.
If you are prone to bloating keeping a food diary can help as it will identify those foods that are causing you a problem. Some people can find that dairy is a problem whereas others find certain vegetables cause bloating making them look a lot fatter than they are.
Don't aim too high when you first start. If you have never run down the street you are not yet ready to run a marathon. Take things in small steps. Set small and realistic goals and you will achieve big success. Small achievements act as an incentive to achieve even more. A little exercise every day is better than a complete burn out twice a week. Exercise for at least an hour a day but break it into twenty minute sessions. Take time to warm up and cool down before and after so that you protect your body from injury. You will learn proper rountines if you go to a fitness bootcamp. You don't have to be fit already to attend a bootcamp for weight loss. Fitness bootcamps exist for people of all ages, size and sex.
Your overall health, both short term and long term is very important and should never be put at risk in your goal to attain a perfect weight. You have to be sensible and realistic. It might not be good for you to try to be the same size as you were when you were a teenager but you will be seriously impressed at how good you can look if you drop a dress size or two.
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The Author Have you heard about the author of The Diet Solution Progr
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For people attuned to all updates on dieting and anything related to t
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